XSLT Explorer: docbook.xsl
48 imports, 1 include, 774 templates, 224 functions, 101 variables, 207 params, 3 FIXME: comments
- main.xsl
- param.xsl
- modules/variable.xsl
- modules/space.xsl
- modules/unhandled.xsl
- modules/errors.xsl
- modules/head.xsl
- modules/titles.xsl
- modules/numbers.xsl
- modules/units.xsl
- modules/gentext.xsl
- modules/l10n.xsl
- modules/functions.xsl
- modules/toc.xsl
- modules/divisions.xsl
- modules/components.xsl
- modules/refentry.xsl
- modules/bibliography.xsl
- modules/biblio690.xsl
- modules/glossary.xsl
- modules/index.xsl
- modules/sections.xsl
- modules/templates.xsl
- modules/titlepage.xsl
- modules/info.xsl
- modules/lists.xsl
- modules/blocks.xsl
- modules/admonitions.xsl
- modules/programming.xsl
- modules/msgset.xsl
- modules/objects.xsl
- modules/footnotes.xsl
- modules/verbatim.xsl
- modules/tablecals.xsl
- modules/tablehtml.xsl
- modules/inlines.xsl
- modules/xlink.xsl
- modules/links.xsl
- modules/xref.xsl
- modules/attributes.xsl
- modules/publishers.xsl
- modules/annotations.xsl
- modules/chunk.xsl
- modules/chunk-cleanup.xsl
- modules/chunk-output.xsl
- modules/xform-locale.xsl
- tp:orderedlist-properties
- tp:process-list
- tp:apply-localization-template
- tp:format-number
- tp:group-or-arg
- t:inline
- tp:filter-callouts
- tp:verbatim
- tp:verbatim-array
- tp:verbatim-lines
- tp:verbatim-plain
- tp:verbatim-raw
- tp:verbatim-table
- t:generate-index
- t:index-zone-reference
- tp:indexed-section
- t:mediaobject-img
- tp:viewport
- t:table-footnotes
- tp:resolve-persistent-toc-uris
- t:chunk-cleanup
- t:chunk-output
- t:docbook
- tp:cals-colspec
- tp:cell
- tp:list-of-titles
- tp:toc
- tp:tocentry-link
- tp:link
- tp:xref
- t:person-name
- t:person-name-family-given
- t:person-name-first-last
- t:person-name-last-first
- t:person-name-list
- t:glossary-divisions
- t:biblioentry
- tp:out-of-line-xlink
- tp:simple-xlink
- t:xlink
- t:bottom-nav
- t:chunk-footnotes
- t:top-nav
- fp:estimated-term-length()
- fp:select-vert-members()
- f:l10n-token()
- f:l10n-token()
- fp:l10n-token()
- fp:minified-css()
- f:attributes()
- f:attributes()
- f:date-format()
- f:generate-id()
- f:generate-id()
- f:gentext-letters()
- f:gentext-letters-for-language()
- f:href()
- f:id()
- f:is-true()
- f:l10n-language()
- f:label-separator()
- f:orderedlist-item-number()
- f:orderedlist-item-numeration()
- f:orderedlist-startingnumber()
- fp:css-properties()
- fp:lookup-string()
- fp:parse-key-value-pairs()
- fp:parse-key-value-pairs()
- fp:properties()
- fp:replace-element()
- fp:replace-element()
- fp:separator()
- f:refsection()
- f:relative-path()
- f:section()
- f:section-depth()
- f:spaces()
- f:step-number()
- f:step-numeration()
- f:target()
- f:tokenize-on-char()
- f:translate-attribute()
- f:unique-id()
- f:uri-scheme()
- fp:common-attributes()
- fp:common-attributes()
- fp:nearest-relevant-ancestor()
- fp:title-properties()
- f:absolute-length()
- f:empty-length()
- f:equal-lengths()
- f:is-empty-length()
- f:length-string()
- f:length-units()
- f:make-length()
- f:make-length()
- f:make-length()
- f:parse-length()
- f:relative-length()
- f:highlight-verbatim()
- fp:array-append()
- fp:array-pad()
- fp:balance-line()
- fp:balance-markup()
- fp:balance-markup()
- fp:contains()
- fp:following()
- fp:inject()
- fp:inject-array()
- fp:inject-into-chars()
- fp:inject-into-line()
- fp:injection-array()
- fp:line-number()
- fp:line-to-chars()
- fp:make-lines()
- fp:make-lines-array()
- fp:open()
- fp:unflatten()
- fp:unflatten()
- fp:unflatten-line()
- fp:unflatten-line()
- fp:up-to()
- fp:validate-injection-array()
- fp:verbatim-properties()
- f:verbatim-highlight()
- f:verbatim-numbered()
- f:verbatim-style()
- f:verbatim-trim-leading()
- f:verbatim-trim-trailing()
- fp:fix-text()
- fp:iso690()
- fp:optional-sep()
- f:available-bibliographies()
- f:available-bibliographies()
- f:available-glossaries()
- f:available-glossaries()
- f:biblioentries()
- f:biblioentries()
- f:citations()
- f:citations()
- f:glossentries()
- f:glossentries()
- f:glossrefs()
- f:glossrefs()
- f:pi()
- f:pi()
- f:pi-attributes()
- fp:available-bibliographies()
- fp:available-glossaries()
- fp:baseform()
- fp:pi-attributes()
- fp:pi-from-list()
- fp:pi-pi-attributes()
- fp:group-index()
- fp:group-label()
- fp:nearest-section()
- fp:nearest-section-id()
- fp:primary()
- fp:scope()
- fp:secondary()
- fp:tertiary()
- f:chunk()
- f:chunk-filename()
- fp:chunk-exclude()
- fp:chunk-include()
- fp:chunk-navigation()
- fp:matches-expr()
- fp:root-base-uri()
- fp:trim-common-parts()
- fp:trim-common-prefix()
- f:css-length()
- f:css-property()
- f:mediaobject-amend-uri()
- f:mediaobject-input-base-uri()
- f:mediaobject-type()
- f:mediaobject-viewport()
- f:object-align()
- f:object-contentheight()
- f:object-contentwidth()
- f:object-height()
- f:object-properties()
- f:object-properties()
- f:object-scale()
- f:object-scalefit()
- f:object-valign()
- f:object-width()
- f:in-scope-language()
- f:languages()
- fp:localization()
- fp:localization-list()
- fp:localization-template()
- fp:lookup-localization-list()
- fp:lookup-localization-template()
- fp:footnote-mark()
- fp:footnote-number()
- fp:resolve-persistent-toc()
- fp:resolve-persistent-toc-prefix()
- fp:run-transforms()
- fp:run-transforms()
- f:cals-colsep()
- f:cals-rowsep()
- fp:align-char-pad()
- fcals:align()
- fcals:align-colspec()
- fcals:align-spanspec()
- fcals:cell()
- fcals:cell-decoration()
- fcals:cell-overhang()
- fcals:char()
- fcals:char-colspec()
- fcals:char-spanspec()
- fcals:colsep()
- fcals:colsep-colspec()
- fcals:colsep-spanspec()
- fcals:colspan()
- fcals:colspec()
- fcals:colspec-column-number()
- fcals:colspec-for-column()
- fcals:column-number()
- fcals:decrement-overhang()
- fcals:empty-cell-colsep()
- fcals:empty-cell-rowsep()
- fcals:next-empty-cell()
- fcals:overhang()
- fcals:overhang-into-row()
- fcals:rowsep()
- fcals:rowsep-colspec()
- fcals:rowsep-spanspec()
- fcals:rowspan()
- fcals:spanspec()
- fcals:table-columns()
- fcals:tgroup()
- fcals:valign()
- fcals:zeros()
- fp:colspec-for-colnum()
- fp:only-initial-pis()
- fp:number()
- fp:localization-template-from-xrefstyle()
- fp:collapse-years()
- fp:collapse-years()
- fp:syntax-highlight()
- fp:syntax-highlight()
- f:syntax-highlight()
- f:syntax-highlight()
- f:syntax-highlight()
- fp:construct-templates()
- fp:pick-template()
- f:template()
- fp:find-xlink-nodes()
- fp:pmuj()
- fp:pmuj-enabled()
- fp:xlink-sources()
- fp:xlink-targets()
- fp:xlink-xmlns-scheme()
- fp:xlink-xpath-scheme()
- f:xlink-style()
- f:xpointer-idref()
- f:chunk-title()
- fp:chunk-output-filename()
- fp:footnote-mark()
- fp:footnote-number()
- fp:navigable()
- fp:relative-link()
- fp:relative-uri()
- fp:root-base-uri()
- fp:trim-common-parts()
- fp:trim-common-prefix()
1 import
46 imports
2 variables (2 used only in one other module), 206 params (1 unused)
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string?
as xs:string*
as xs:string*
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:boolean
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string?
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string?
as xs:string
as xs:string?
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string?
as xs:string?
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string?
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as map(xs:QName, item()*)?
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:string
as xs:integer
as xs:string
as xs:string?
as xs:string?
as xs:string
as map(xs:QName, item()*)
as map(xs:QName, item()*)
Getting the stylesheets
The latest release
The latest release -is version 2.1.9 published at at 11:04 GMT on 19 Aug 2023.
+is version 2.2.0 published at at 12:33 GMT on 03 Feb 2024.Test Report
Stylesheet: /home/runner/work/xslTNG/xslTNG/build/env/a11y.xsl
XSpec: /home/runner/work/xslTNG/xslTNG/build/xspec/a11y.xspec
-Tested: 3 February 2024 at 11:42
+Tested: 3 February 2024 at 12:21