book: Unit Test: titles.001.xml
abstract: An abstract
dedication: The Dedication
preface: Preface
preface-section: the section called First Section
simplesect: the section called “A simplesect”
part: Part I, “The Main Part”
partintro: The part intro
ch1: Chapter 1, One link
blockquote: A Blockquote
fig: Figure 1.1, “Figure”
ex: Example 1.1, “Example”
table: Table 1.1, “Table”
eq: Equation 1.1, “Equation”
procedure: Procedure 1.1, “Procedure”
step2: step 2
step3: step 3
subsubstep: step 2.a.i
screenshot: screenshot
formal: 1.2. Formal group
subfig2: Figure 1.2.2, “Second subfigure”
ch2: Chapter 2, Two
ch2.1: Section 1, “One”
ch2.1.1: Section 1.1, “One Dot One”
ch2.1.2: Section 1.2, “One Dot Two”
ch3: Chapter 3, Three
chlists: Chapter 4, Lists chapter
itemizedlist: An itemized list
orderedlist: An ordered list
o1: 1
o1.1: 1.a
variablelist: A variable list
vli: Term
first: ①
note: Note
tip: Tip
important: Important
caution: Caution
warning: Warning
danger: Danger
set1: First production set
ebnf.mult: MultExpression
set2: Arithemetic Expressions
ebnf.expression: Expression
ebnf.arith: ArithExpression
ebnf.number: Number
div0: Division by Zero
qandaset: QandAset
qandadiv: QandAdiv
qandaentry: Q: 1.1
question: Q: 1.1
answer: A: 1.1
app: Appendix A, Appendix
app2: Appendix B, Appendix Two
bibliolist: bibliolist
bibliomixed: bibliomixed
glosslist: Gloss list
bibliography: Bibliography
bibliodiv: Bibliography division
bibliomixed2: bibliomixed2
glossary: Glossary
glossdiv: Glossary division
index: Index
acknowledgements: Acknowledgements
colophon: Colophon