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Nikhil Mashettiwar edited this page Jun 25, 2015 · 4 revisions

Namespace: Envelopes


Public API for DocuSign Envelopes API



<static> getConsoleUrl(callback)

Gets the DocuSign Embedded Dashboard view

Name Type Description
callback function

Returned in the form of function(response).


<static> getEnvelopeList(fromDate, callback)

Gets a list of envelopes that have been created starting from the designated date to the present.

Name Type Description
fromDate string

Date string.

callback function

Returned in the form of function(err, response).


<static> getView(action, fullName, email, files, returnUrl, event, callback)

Wrapper function that is designed for high convenience scenario where you have all information up front about what action user wants to do with the documents, the list of documents & their buffers, etc

Pass all of that in this convenience function and the API handles both creating the envelope and getting the embedUrl for the DocuSign envelope configuration view of the document

Name Type Description
action string

The DS process to use. Valid values are: sign - Only the user signs the envelope. send - Recipients selected by the user sign the envelope. both - The user and selected recipients sign the envelope.

fullName string

The full name of the user.

email string

The email address of the user.

files object[]

A list of file objects to be uploaded into DS.

Name Type Description
name string

The name of the file.

extension string

The extension of the file (e.g. pdf).

url string

The URL to download from.

base64 string

The base64-encoded buffer of the file. contents (files[].url does not need to be set).

returnUrl string

The URL to be redirected to after the DS process is done.

event object

An object with values concerning what happens after the DS process is done (e.g. webhook registration). Can be null.

Name Type Description
platform string

The name of the calling app.

recipients object

Mirrors DS API Recipients structure (note that recipientId will be filled in by this function).

showSignAndReturn boolean

A flag to control whether or not to show the Sign & Return popup after the user signs.

eventNotification object

This object mirrors the structure of the event notification request in the DS API.

callback function

Returns the response body from DS API (this also includes an additional envelopeId field). Returned in the form of function(response).


<static> sendEnvelope(recipients, emailSubject, files, callback)

Request a Signature on a Document.

Name Type Description
recipients JSON

JSON object with recipient information. For more information on how to construct a recipient object please visit: Parameter.htm

emailSubject string

Subject of the email sent for the envelope created.

files object[]

A list of file objects to be uploaded into DS.

files[].name string

The name of the file.

files[].extension string

The extension of the file (e.g. pdf).

files[].url string

The URL to download from.

files[].base64 string

The base64-encoded buffer of the file

callback function

Returns the PDF file buffer in the given encoding. Returned in the form of function(response).


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