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PKI CA Profile CLI

Endi S. Dewata edited this page Feb 2, 2022 · 8 revisions


This document describes the CLI to manage certificate profiles in CA. The commands can only be executed by CA admin.

To submit certificate requests using these profiles, see PKI CA Certificate CLI.

Listing Certificate Profiles

$ pki -n caadmin ca-profile-find
59 entries matched
  Profile ID: caUserCert
  Name: Manual User Dual-Use Certificate Enrollment
  Description: This certificate profile is for enrolling user certificates.


Number of entries returned 20

Displaying Certificate Profile Details

To display a specific certificate profile:

$ pki -n caadmin ca-profile-show caUserCert
Profile "caUserCert"
  Profile ID: caUserCert
  Name: Manual User Dual-Use Certificate Enrollment
  Description: This certificate profile is for enrolling user certificates.

  Name: Key Generation
  Class: keyGenInputImpl

    Attribute Name: cert_request_type
    Attribute Description: Key Generation Request Type
    Attribute Syntax: keygen_request_type

    Attribute Name: cert_request
    Attribute Description: Key Generation Request
    Attribute Syntax: keygen_request


  Name: Certificate Output
  Class: certOutputImpl

    Attribute Name: pretty_cert
    Attribute Description: Certificate Pretty Print
    Attribute Syntax: pretty_print

    Attribute Name: b64_cert
    Attribute Description: Certificate Base-64 Encoded
    Attribute Syntax: pretty_print

To display a specific certificate profile in raw format:

$ pki -n caadmin ca-profile-show caUserCert --raw
#Tue Jul 10 01:59:22 CEST 2018

Downloading Certificate Profile

Downloading Certificate Profile in XML Format

To download the profile configuration in XML format:

$ pki -n caadmin ca-profile-show caUserCert --output caUserCert.xml
Profile "caUserCert"
Saved profile caUserCert to caUserCert.xml

The output file will look like the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Profile xmlns:ns2="" id="caUserCert">

    <name>Manual User Dual-Use Certificate Enrollment</name>
    <description>This certificate profile is for enrolling user certificates.</description>

    <Input id="i1">
        <Name>Key Generation</Name>
        <Attribute name="cert_request_type">
                <Description>Key Generation Request Type</Description>
        <Attribute name="cert_request">
                <Description>Key Generation Request</Description>


    <Output id="o1">
        <name>Certificate Output</name>
        <attributes name="pretty_cert">
                <Description>Certificate Pretty Print</Description>
        <attributes name="b64_cert">
                <Description>Certificate Base-64 Encoded</Description>

            <value id="1">
                <def id="Subject Name Default" classId="userSubjectNameDefaultImpl">
                    <description>This default populates a User-Supplied Certificate Subject Name to the request.</description>
                    <policyAttribute name="name">
                            <Description>Subject Name</Description>
                <constraint id="Subject Name Constraint">
                    <description>This constraint accepts the subject name that matches UID=.*</description>
                    <constraint id="pattern">
                            <Description>Subject Name Pattern</Description>



    <link href="" rel="self"/>


Downloading Certificate Profile in Raw Format

To download the profile configuration in Raw format:

$ pki -n caadmin ca-profile-show caUserCert --output caUserCert.cfg --raw
Saved profile caUserCert to caUserCert.cfg

The output file will look like the following:

#Tue Jul 10 00:58:57 CEST 2018
output.o1.class_id=certOutputImpl Default

Creating Certificate Profile

To create a new certificate profile, prepare a new profile configuration file or download and modify an existing one.

Then submit the new configuration to the server with pki ca-profile-add command.

Creating Certificate Profile in XML format

In XML format, the new profile ID must be specified as follows:

<Profile ... id="newProfile">

To create the new profile:

$ pki -n caadmin ca-profile-add newProfile.xml

Creating Certificate Profile in Raw Format

In raw format, the new profile ID must be specified as follows:


To create the new profile:

$ pki -n caadmin ca-profile-add newProfile.cfg --raw

Modifying Certificate Profile

Note: A certificate profile must be disabled before it can be modified. Once the modification is complete, the profile can be reenabled.

To modify a certificate profile, download the current profile configuration, edit the file as needed, then upload the changes with pki ca-profile-mod command.

To upload an updated profile configuration in XML format:

$ pki -n caadmin ca-profile-mod caUserCert.xml

To upload an updated profile configuration in raw format:

$ pki -n caadmin ca-profile-mod caUserCert.cfg --raw

Editing Certificate Profile

Note: A certificate profile must be disabled before it can be modified. Once the modification is complete, the profile can be reenabled.

For convenience, a certificate profile can be visually edited in raw format (without downloading the configuration file manually) with the following command:

$ pki -n caadmin> ca-profile-edit caUserCert

This command will automatically download the profile configuration in raw format and open it with a vi text editor. When the editor is closed, the edited profile configuration will be used to update the profile on the server.

Deleting Certificate Profile

Note: A certificate profile must be disabled before it can be deleted.

To delete a certificate profile, execute the following command:

$ pki -n caadmin ca-profile-del caUserCert

Enabling/Disabling Certificate Profile

To enable a certificate profile:

$ pki -n caadmin ca-profile-enable caUserCert

To disable a certificate profile:

$ pki -n caadmin ca-profile-disable caUserCert

See Also

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