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Upgrading PKI 10.5 to PKI 10.6

Endi S. Dewata edited this page Sep 14, 2023 · 4 revisions


In general PKI 10.5 server can be upgraded to PKI 10.6 with the following procedure:

  • Shutdown PKI server

  • Upgrade PKI packages

  • Follow the database upgrade procedure to upgrade PKI database

  • Restart PKI server

However, if the SSL server certificate is stored in an HSM that does not support key export, or if the server is configured with Nuxwdog, or both, follow the procedure below.

Shutdown PKI Server

If Nuxwdog is disabled, shutdown the server with the following command:

$ systemctl stop [email protected]

If Nuxwdog is enabled, shutdown the server with the following command:

$ systemctl stop [email protected]

Upgrade PKI Packages

Enable the RPM repository that contains PKI 10.6, then execute the following command:

$ dnf update

Upgrade PKI Database

Follow the [manual database upgrade] procedure to upgrade PKI database.

Upgrade Procedure for HSM

If the current SSL server certificate is stored in an HSM that does not support key export, follow this procedure to generate a new SSL server certificate in the internal token. Otherwise, skip to the next section.

Inspect current SSL server certificate

Get the CA Key Identifier and OCSP URL from the current SSL server certificate with the following commands:

$ pki-server cert-show sslserver --instance "pki-tomcat" --pretty-print
            Name: Certificate Authority Key Identifier
            Key ID:

            Name: Authority Information Access
            Method: PKIX Online Certificate Status Protocol
                URI: ""

Set AKI and OCSP environment variables based on the above output:

$ AKI="20bf45ce45a4e7cd5fdde27699417300aef8a450"
$ OCSP=""

Generate SSL server CSR

Generate an SSL server CSR in the internal token with the following commands:

$ cd /etc/pki/pki-tomcat
$ mkdir -p certs
$ openssl rand -out noise.bin 2048
$ certutil -R \
 -d alias \
 -z noise.bin \
 -o certs/sslserver.csr.der \
 -k rsa \
 -g 2048 \
 -Z SHA256 \
 --keyUsage critical,dataEncipherment,keyEncipherment,digitalSignature \
 --extKeyUsage serverAuth
$ openssl req -inform der -in certs/sslserver.csr.der -out certs/sslserver.csr

If Nuxwdog is not enabled, the internal token password should be available in the password.conf.

Issue SSL server certificate

If the server has a CA subsystem, issue the certificate by signing the CSR with the following commands:

$ TOKEN=<token>
$ SERIAL=<serial number>
$ echo -e "y\n${AKI}\n\n\n\n2\n7\n${OCSP}\n\n\n\n" | \
 certutil -C \
 -d alias \
 -h ${TOKEN} \
 -m ${SERIAL} \
 -a \
 -i certs/sslserver.csr \
 -o certs/sslserver.crt \
 -c "${TOKEN}:ca_signing" \
 -3 \
 --extAIA \
 --keyUsage critical,dataEncipherment,keyEncipherment,digitalSignature \
 --extKeyUsage serverAuth


  • Select a serial number that do not conflict with existing certificates.

  • If Nuxwdog is not enabled, the HSM password should be available in the password.conf.

If the server does not have a CA subsystem, submit the CSR to the issuing CA to obtain the SSL server certificate, then place it in /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/certs/sslserver.crt.

Modify SSL server certificate configuration

Remove the token name in /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/serverCertNick.conf:


Also remove the token name from the following parameter in /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/<subsystem>/CS.cfg:


Replace the token name in the following parameter in /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/<subsystem>/CS.cfg with internal token:

<subsystem>.sslserver.tokenname=Internal Key Storage Token

Install SSL server certificate

Install the SSL server certificate in /etc/pki/pki-tomcat/certs/sslserver.crt into the internal token with the following command:

$ pki-server cert-import sslserver --instance "pki-tomcat"

Upgrade Procedure for Nuxwdog

If Nuxwdog is enabled, follow this procedure to export the SSL Server Certificate from the internal token into a PKCS #12 file. Otherwise, skip to the next section.

Create a password file for PKCS #12 keystore:

$ pki password-generate > "/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/keystore.pwd"
$ chown pkiuser.pkiuser "/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/keystore.pwd"
$ chmod 0660 "/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/keystore.pwd"

Then export SSL server certificate and key into PKCS #12 keystore:

$ pki-server cert-export sslserver \
    --instance "pki-tomcat" \
    --pkcs12-file "/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/keystore.p12" \
    --pkcs12-password-file "/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/keystore.pwd" \
    --friendly-name "sslserver" \
    --cert-encryption "PBE/SHA1/RC2-40" \
    --key-encryption "PBE/SHA1/DES3/CBC"
$ chown pkiuser.pkiuser "/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/keystore.p12"
$ chmod 0660 "/etc/pki/pki-tomcat/keystore.p12"

Restart PKI Server

If Nuxwdog is disabled, restart the server with the following command:

$ systemctl start [email protected]

If Nuxwdog is enabled, restart the server with the following command:

$ systemctl start [email protected]

See Also

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