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257 lines (176 loc) · 11.1 KB

HowTo: Add a new Android API Level

Developer Preview

The first developer preview generally ships in late February or early March. At this early stage for the APIs, we simply add literal bindings for them. We do not spend resources on the more manual parts like enumification that will likely change as the APIs mature.

Add New Platform to xaprepare

  • Add new level to /build-tools/xaprepare/xaprepare/ConfigAndData/BuildAndroidPlatforms.cs:
    • new AndroidPlatform (apiName: "S", apiLevel: 31, platformID: "S", include: "v11.0.99", framework: "v11.0.99", stable: false),
  • Add new level to /build-tools/xaprepare/xaprepare/ConfigAndData/Dependencies/AndroidToolchain.cs:
    • new AndroidPlatformComponent ("platform-S_r01", apiLevel: "S", pkgRevision: "1"),

At this point, you can run Xamarin.Android.sln /t:Prepare using your usual mechanism, and the new platform will be downloaded to your local Android SDK.

Generate params.txt File

  • In /external/Java.Interop/tools/param-name-importer:
    • Add new level to and run
    • or run manually: param-name-importer.exe -source-stub-zip C:/Users/USERNAME/android-toolchain/sdk/platforms/android-S/android-stubs-src.jar -output-text api-S.params.txt -output-xml api-S.params.xml -verbose -framework-only
  • Copy the produced api-X.params.txt file to /src/Mono.Android/Profiles/

Other Infrastructure Changes

  • Add level to /build-tools/api-merge/merge-configuration.xml to create api-S.xml.class-parse
  • Add level to /build-tools/Xamarin.Android.Tools.BootstrapTasks/Xamarin.Android.Tools.BootstrapTasks/CheckApiCompatibility.cs to enable running ApiCompat against the new level. (ex: { "v11.0.99", "v11.0" })
  • Add level to /build-tools/api-xml-adjuster/Makefile
  • LOCAL ONLY: Update Configuration.props or Configuration.Override.props to specify building the new level:
    • <AndroidApiLevel>31</AndroidApiLevel>
    • <AndroidPlatformId>S</AndroidPlatformId>
    • <AndroidFrameworkVersion>v11.0.99</AndroidFrameworkVersion>

Building the New Mono.Android

  • Build Xamarin.Android.sln with your usual mechanism, and the new Mono.Android.dll should be built
  • Read the note at the bottom of /src/Mono.Android/metadata that has a few lines that must be copy/pasted for new API levels
  • Add required metadata fixes in /src/Mono.Android/metadata until Mono.Android.csproj builds
    • Check that new package/namespaces are properly cased


There may be ApiCompat issues that need to be examined. Either fix the assembly with metadata or allow acceptable "breaks":

  • Add new file to /tests/api-compatibility, like acceptable-breakages-v11.0.99.txt
  • Copy errors reported from ApiCompat task to acceptable breakages file

Bindings Stabilization

When Google announces that the APIs are frozen, additional work such as enumification is needed.

There have been many, many attempts to "automate" the enumification process in the past, to varying degrees of success. The main problem is that no automated process is going to be perfect, so they all rely on a human verifying and modifying the results.

However this verification process is long and tedious. Doing it correctly requires almost as much effort as doing the full process manually. Thus it generally isn't done correctly and many errors slip in, leaving our users with bad bindings that are hard to fix in the future without breaking API.

Currently we have taken the opposite approach and do the process completely manually, but we have invested in tooling to make the process as easy as possible.

This tooling is BindingStudio:

It's a Winforms app, so it only runs on Windows. It's ugly as sin, and has very poor UX. However, it prompts you with the exact decisions you need to make, and handles as much dirty work as possible, allowing enumification to be done in a few days.

Extract constants from API

Using BindingStudio:

  • Update CURRENT_API_LEVEL in MainForm.cs
  • Choose Tools -> Add API Level Constants
    • Fill in existing map.csv: xamarin-android/src/Mono.Android/map.csv
    • Fill in new api.xml: ex: xamarin-android/src/Mono.Android/obj/Debug/net6.0/android-32/mcw/api.xml
  • Choose File -> Save

This adds all the new possible constants from the API level to map.csv. They will be marked with a ? indicating no determination has been made if they should be enumified or not.



Creating enums

Using BindingStudio:

  • Choose File -> Open Constant Map
  • Choose existing map.csv: xamarin-android/src/Mono.Android/map.csv

The left tree view will be populated with every type that has possible constants that require a decision. Clicking a tree node will show the grid of all constants in the type. The ones that need to be handled are the ones with Action = None. (The others are shown because sometimes the correct action is to add a new constant to an existing enum.)

Select the row(s) containing the constants you want to act on. (Use Control and Shift to select multiple rows.) There are 3 possible options for constants:

  1. Ignore

If the constant(s) should not be part of an enum (like Math.PI), click the Ignore toolbar button to leave them as constants.

  1. Add to existing enum

If the constant(s) should be added to an existing enum:

  • Click the Add to existing enum toolbar button.
  • The dialog will show all other enums in this type
  • Choose the existing enum to add the new constant(s) to
  • After accepting the dialog, you may need to click the grid to cause it to refresh
  • The constant(s) will be marked as Enumify with the EnumFullType you specified
  • The enum member names may need to be tweaked by changing the EnumMember column
  1. Create a new enum

If the constant(s) should be added to a brand new enum:

  • Click the Create Enum toolbar button
  • In the dialog, a suggested enum namespace and name will be pre-populated. This may need to be tweaked as needed.
    • Mark Is Flags if this should be a [Flags] enum type.
  • After accepting the dialog, you may need to click the grid to cause it to refresh
  • The constant(s) will be marked as Enumify with the EnumFullType you specified
  • The enum member names may need to be tweaked by changing the EnumMember column

Once decisions have been made for all new constants in a type, use the left tree view to move to the next type. You should periodically save your progress with File -> Save in case BindingStudio crashes.

The left tree view can be updated by saving and reopening the map.csv file.

Extract methods that possibly need enums

Using BindingStudio:

  • Update the file paths in MainForm.FindAPILevelMethodsToolStripMenuItem_Click
  • Run BindingStudio and choose Tools -> Find API Level Methods

This will create a file of every method in the new API level that takes an int as a parameter or returns an int as a return value. Each method will be marked with a ? in the file to indicate a decision needs to be made to ignore it or map it to an enum.



Mapping methods

Using BindingStudio:

  • Choose File -> Open Constant Map
    • Choose existing map.csv: xamarin-android/src/Mono.Android/map.csv
  • Choose File -> Open Method Map
    • Choose the new .csv created in the previous step

The left tree will populate with every method that possibly should be enumified and needs a decision to be made. Clicking a method shows the Android documentation for the method to help make the decision, as well as an area to input the decision.

Note a method may show up multiple times, once for each parameter or return type (Parameter Name = "return") that is an int. Each one may require a different action.

There are 3 possible options for a method parameter/return type:

  1. Unknown

You don't how to handle this method currently, so leaving it in the initial state of "Unknown" will leave it alone until a decision can be made.

  1. Ignore

The method parameter/return type should remain an int and not be converted to an enum.


int Add (int value1, int value2) { ... }

Click the "Ignore" radio button and then the "Save" button.

  1. Enumify

The method parameter/return type should be changed to an enum.


void AudioAttributesBuilder.SetSpatializationBehavior (int sb) { ... }
  • Choose the "Enumify" radio option
  • Use the DropDown in the middle to select the enum to use
    • When selected, the members of that enum will be shown in the box below the enum
  • Alternatively, search for a enum by enum member name using the Search box in the right
    • If desired enum is found, clicking it will populate dropdown
  • Click "Save"

Use File -> Save to save your work often!

Finishing the method map

The official methodmap.csv uses a slightly different format than the one used for enumification.

Using BindingStudio:

  • Ensure the "new api level method map" CSV file is loaded.
  • Choose Tools -> Export Final Method Map
  • Choose a temporary file name
  • Open the temporary file, copy the contents to the bottom of the official:
    • xamarin-android/src/Mono.Android/methodmap.csv

Congrats! Enumification is complete!

---- Somewhat outdated docs below, update when we do this year's stabilization ----

  1. new AndroidManifest.xml elements and attributes

build-tools/manifest-attribute-codegen/manifest-attribute-codegen.cs can be compiled to a tool that collects all Manifest elements and attributes with the API level since when each of them became available. New members are supposed to be added to the existing (FooBar)Attribute.cs and (FooBar)Attribute.Partial.cs in src/Mono.Android and src/Xamarin.Android.Build.Tasks respectively.

Note that there are documented and undocumented XML nodes, and we don't have to deal with undocumented ones.

Android P introduced no documented XML artifact.

  1. Update Android Tooling Versions

These sre located in The following MSBuild properties need to be updated to ensure the latest tool versions are being used.

AndroidSdkBuildToolsVersion AndroidSdkPlatformToolsVersion AndroidSdkToolsVersion

The major version should match the new API level. For Android P this will be 28.x.x . If a version which exactly matches the API Level is not available then the latest version should be used.

Bindings Finalization

Update BuildVersionCodes API Level Value

Our enumification process stores the value of the constants in map.csv. The build version code constant for the preview API level is 10000, but changes to eg: 31 when the API goes stable.

Depending on when enumification was done, the 10000 may be stored instead of 31. When the API goes stable we must update map.csv to the correct value.

Search for android/os/Build$VERSION_CODES in map.csv.