This is a simple startup script based on the selenium startup script.
This startup script assumes you have selenium server 2.x installed with startup script from feniix (
also assumes you have the pkg daemon
installed and a java runtime installed (this was tested in ubuntu 10.04.4 with openjdk-6-jdk
Install PhantomJS:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pcarrier/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get phantomjs
and the following already created in your linux box:
id: phantomjs
home: /var/lib/phantomjs
shell: /bin/bash
phantomjs installation directory: /var/lib/phantomjs
sudo groupadd -r phantomjs
sudo useradd -r -d /var/lib/phantomjs -s /bin/bash -m -g phantomjs -G phantomjs phantomjs
log dir: /var/log/phantomjs owned by the phantomjs id
sudo mkdir /var/log/phantomjs
sudo chown phantomjs.phantomjs /var/log/phantomjs
Copy the default file and the init.d file in the right locations:
sudo cp /local/repo/path/etc/init.d/phantomjs /etc/init.d/
sudo cp /local/repo/path/etc/default/phantomjs /etc/default/
Make sure the init.d script is executable:
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/phantomjs
Install the service startup:
sudo update-rc.d phantomjs defaults
Change the Selenium Grid port to 5555.
nano -w /etc/default/selenium
Find and change the line to:
Start the selenium:
sudo /etc/init.d/selenium start
Start the phantomjs:
sudo /etc/init.d/phantomjs start
Check the logs:
sudo tail -f /var/log/phantomjs/phantomjs.log
The service configuration can be found in /etc/default/phantomjs
Copyright 2013-2014 Alexey Zhokhov under the Apache License, Version 2.0. Supported by Polusharie.