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Intro / Features

Using MotorCortex Graphs you can create fully configurable animations of graphs using real data. It allows you to control animation timing, coloring, sizing and font stylizing.

This Plugin exposes five Incidents:

  • BarChartSimple
  • LineGraph
  • PieChart
  • ProgressBar

Browser compatibility

Chrome Safari IE / Edge Firefox Opera
24+ 6+ 10+ 32+ 15+

Getting Started


$ npm install @donkeyclip/motorcortex-graphs
# OR
$ yarn add @donkeyclip/motorcortex-graphs

Importing and loading

import { loadPlugin } from "@donkeyclip/motorcortex";
import MotorCortexGraph from "@donkeyclip/motorcortex-graphs";
const MCGraphs = loadPlugin(MotorCortexGraph);

Creating Incidents


To create a bar chart, the necessary attribute parameter is the data object. The remaining parameters implement a customization of the graph and are all optional.

const newGraph = new MCGraphs.BarChartSimple(
    data: data,
    palette: {
      primary: "#75706E",
      secondary: "#B2B1AE",
      tertiary: "#434243",
      font: "#100300",
      accent: "#FFD800",
      background: "#D3CDCD",
    font: {
      url: "",
      size: "1.7rem",
    grid: true,
    timings: {
      intro: 1000,
      outro: 1000,
      static: 1000,
    selector: "#htmlclip",
    containerParams: {
      width: "1200px",
      height: "900px",

BarChartSimple Attrs

  • data
  • timings
  • palette
  • font


An object that contains the parameters with which the data are being displayed in the graph. The dataPoint array is a required entry, but all the rest are optional.

Name Description Type
title The title of the graph (left) string
subtitle The subtitle of the graph (right) string
showGrid Toggle of grid line background boolean
maxValue The max value for the y-axis of the graph integer
data The datapoint array for the graph (example below) Array[datapoint]

Example data:

  "title": "Example Graph",
  "subtitle": "Yearly data",
  "showGrid": true,
  "maxValue": 100,
  "data": [
      "name": "2019",
      "value": 34
      "name": "2020",
      "value": 15
      "name": "2021",
      "value": 89


The data array of the graph contains datapoint objects. These Objects contain two (2) key-value pairs:

Key Description Value Type
name The name (label) of the bar (up to 3 chars) string
value The value (y-axis) of the bar (2 significal digits) number


The timings object is an optional attribute that contains three (3) parameters for setting the duration of the event. These parameters are:

Name Description Default Value
intro Duration of the intro animation 0 ms
static Duration of the time that the graph should stay on screen 1000 ms
outro Duration of the outro animation 0 ms


The palette object is an optional parameter used to customize the colors used in the graph. The colors that can be set are:

Name Description Default Value
primary The bar fill color #75706E hex or css color
secondary The gridlines' color #B2B1AE hex or css color
tertiary The axis' color #434243 hex or css color
accent The font color #100300 hex or css color
font The titles & labels background #FFD800 hex or css color
background The background color transparent hex or css color


The font object is an optional parameter that contains three (3) values used for customizing the font. These parameters are:

Name Description Default Value
url A url pointing to a google font string
fontFamily The font family to be used Righteous, cursive string
size The desired font size 1.7rem px/rem/em


To create a Line Graph, the necessary attribute parameter is the data object. The remaining parameters implement customization of the graph and are all optional.

const newGraph = new MCGraphs.LineGraph(
    data: lineGraphData,
    trace: {
      toggle: false,
      scale: 1.45,
    legend: true,
    grid: "lines",
    timings: {
      intro: 7000,
      static: 1000,
      outro: 7000,
    font: {
      size: "1.7rem",
    selector: "#html-hoverclip",
    containerParams: {
      width: "1024px",
      height: "768px",

LineGraph Attrs

  • data
  • timings
  • grid
  • gridH
  • dataPointR
  • hover
  • grid
  • legend
  • trace
  • palette
  • font


An object that contains the parameters with which the data are being displayed in the graph. The dataPoint array is a required entry, but all the rest are optional.

Name Description Type
title The title of the graph (left) string
showGrid Toggle of grid steles background boolean
interval The number of units between each line on the grid integer
maxValue The max value for the y-axis of the graph integer
unit The accompanying unit or character of the graph's labels string
hover Toggle for showing the labels only on hover * boolean
data The datapoint array for the graph (example below) Array[datapoint]
dataSets Array that describes the colors/titles of the datasets Array[dataset]

* Ignores input and is set to true when data contains more than 1 line.

Example data:

  "title": "Example Line Chart",
  "interval": 4,
  "maxValue": 100,
  "unit": "%",
  "hover": true,
  "data": [
      "name": "2016",
      "values": [56, 4]
      "name": "2017",
      "values": [43, 89]
      "name": "2018",
      "values": [61, 75]
      "name": "2019",
      "values": [10, 32]
  "dataSets": [
      "title": "Set 1",
      "color": "red"
      "title": "Set 2",
      "color": "blue"


The data array of the graph contains datapoint objects. These Objects contain two (2) key-value pairs:

Key Description Value Type
name The name (x-axis label) of the point (up to 4 chars) string
value The value (y-axis) of the point (2 significal digits)* Array[Number]

The length of the array should be equal to the number of lines in the graph. Each Array contains the n'th point of each line.

"data": [
    "name": "2016",
    "values": [line1point1, line2point1]
    "name": "2017",
    "values": [line1point2, line2point2]

* To avoid cluttering in the graph it is recommended to not enter more than 16 datapoints per line.


The dataSet array of contains dataSet objects. These Objects contain two (2) key-value pairs:

Key Description Value Type
title The title of the dataset string
color The color of the dataset in the graph/legend hex or css color

The number of dataSet objects in this array should be equal to the length of any values object in the Data attribute.

"dataSets": [
      "title": "Set 1",
      "color": "red"
      "title": "Set 2",
      "color": "blue"


The trace configuration object controls the zoom effect of the introduction. The scale option is not required for the zoom effect to play.

Key Description Value Type
toggle Toggles the zoom effect on or off boolean
scale The scale of the zoom effect number


The hover option (true/false) allows the user to control if the labels of the points will be permenantly visible (and animated during intro/outtro durations), or will be hidden and shown only on hover. Note: When there are multiple datasets this option is automatically set to true.


The legend option (true/false) allows the user to control if the legend of the graph will be permenantly visible (and animated during intro/outtro durations), or will be hidden. Note: When there are multiple datasets this option is automatically set to true.


The dataPointR option allows the user to control the size of the line-graph's datapoints. The size is measured with percentages. Default value is 0.65


The grid option can take either the steles or lines values. If grid is set to steles, the grid will be raised as vertical dotted lines from each label on the x-axis. If grid is set to lines, a matrix of lines will occupy the grid spanning the entire length of the graph. Default option is lines.


The gridH option can take percentage values (0 - 1) and affects the height of the gridlines/gridsteles (based on the grid option). Default is set to 1.


The timings object is an optional attribute that contains three (3) parameters for setting the duration of the event. These parameters are:

Name Description Default Value
intro Duration of the intro animation 0 ms
static Duration of the time that the graph should stay on screen 1000 ms
outro Duration of the outro animation 0 ms


The palette object is an optional parameter used to customize the colors used in the graph. The colors that can be set are:

Name Description Default Value
primary The grid's color #75706E hex or css color
secondary The graph's background shade #B2B1AE hex or css color
tertiary The lines' color #434243 hex or css color
quaternary The graph labels' color #EEEEEE hex or css color
quinary The graph's legend background color #75706E hex or css color
senary The graph's points' color #100300 hex or css color
font The font color #100300 hex or css color
accent The titles & labels background #FFD800 hex or css color
background The background color transparent hex or css color


The font object is an optional parameter that contains three (3) values used for customizing the font. These parameters are:

Name Description Default Value
url A url pointing to a google font string
fontFamily The font family to be used Righteous, cursive string
size The desired font size 1.7rem px/rem/em


const pieChart = new MCGraphs.PieChart(
    data: {
      title: "My Pie Chart",
      data: [
          name: "Percentage 1",
          value: 50,
          color: "",
          name: "Percentage 2",
          value: 15,
          color: "",
          name: "Percentage 3",
          value: 10,
          color: "",
          name: "Percentage 4",
          value: 5,
          color: "rgb(163, 255, 200)",
          name: "Percentage 5",
          value: 20,
          color: "",
    timings: {
      intro: 2000,
      static: 1500,
      outro: 2000,
    font: {
      size: "1.6rem",
    selector: "#htmlclip",
    containerParams: {
      width: "1024px",
      height: "768px",

PieChart Attrs

  • data
  • timings
  • palette
  • font


An object with two properties :

Name Description Values
title The title displayed at the top of the screen string
data An array of objects PieChartDataEntry

Type PieChartDataEntry:

Name Description Values
name The name displayed in the legend string
value The percentage value that the slice should take up number (range 0-100)
color The color to display on that slice of the pie string (rgb)
  • Note: The color attribute is optional but if your pie has more than five (5) values it is recommended you provide it because the pie will otherwise pick a random color from the built in palette.


The timings object is an optional object that contains three (3) values for setting the duration of the event. These values are:

Name Description Default Values
intro Duration of the intro animation 0 ms
static Duration of the the time that the graph should stay on screen 1000 ms
outro Duration of the outro animation 0 ms


The palette object is an optional object used to customize the colors used in the graph. The colors that can be set are:

Name Description Default Values
font The font color #100300 hex or css color


The font object is an optional object that contains three (3) values used for customizing the font. These values are:

Name Description Default Values
url A url pointing to a google font string
fontFamily The font family to be used Righteous, cursive string
size The desired font size 1.6rem px/rem/em


const newGraph = new MCGraphs.ProgressBar(
    data: [
        name: "Percentage 1",
        value: 5,
        name: "Percentage 2",
        value: 34,
        name: "Percentage 3",
        value: 12.298374,
        name: "Percentage 4",
        value: 100,
    timings: {
      intro: 1000,
      static: 1000,
      outro: 1000,
    palette: {
      background: "#D3CDCD",
    selector: "#htmlclip",
    containerParams: {
      width: "1024px",
      height: "768px",

ProgressBar Attrs

  • data
  • timings
  • palette
  • font
  • options


An array of objects with the properties name and value.

Name Description Values
name The title displayed next to every progress bar string
value The percentage value that the bar should fill up to number (range 0-100)


The timings object is an optional object that contains three (3) values for setting the duration of the event. These values are:

Name Description Default Values
intro Duration of the intro animation 0 ms
static Duration of the the time that the graph should stay on screen 1000 ms
outro Duration of the outro animation 0 ms


The palette object is an optional object used to customize the colors used in the graph. The colors that can be set are:

Name Description Default Values
primary The bar fill color #B2B1AE hex or css color
secondary The bar background color #434243 hex or css color
accent The bar outline color #FFD800 hex or css color
font The font color #100300 hex or css color
background The background color transparent hex or css color


The font object is an optional object that contains three (3) values used for customizing the font. These values are:

Name Description Default Values
url A url pointing to a google font string
fontFamily The font family to be used Righteous, cursive string
size The desired font size 1.2rem px/rem/em


The options object is an optional object what contains miscellaneous graph configurations.

Name Description Default Values
hidePercentage Toggles the percentages next to the bars false boolean

Adding Incidents in your clip

clipName.addIncident(incidentName, startTime);


In general, we follow the "fork-and-pull" Git workflow, so if you want to submit patches and additions you should follow the next steps:

  1. Fork the repo on GitHub
  2. Clone the project to your own machine
  3. Commit changes to your own branch
  4. Push your work back up to your fork
  5. Submit a Pull request so that we can review your changes


MIT License

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