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Weekly Contest 373 Q3
Union Find



You are given a 0-indexed array of positive integers nums and a positive integer limit.

In one operation, you can choose any two indices i and j and swap nums[i] and nums[j] if |nums[i] - nums[j]| <= limit.

Return the lexicographically smallest array that can be obtained by performing the operation any number of times.

An array a is lexicographically smaller than an array b if in the first position where a and b differ, array a has an element that is less than the corresponding element in b. For example, the array [2,10,3] is lexicographically smaller than the array [10,2,3] because they differ at index 0 and 2 < 10.


Example 1:

Input: nums = [1,5,3,9,8], limit = 2
Output: [1,3,5,8,9]
Explanation: Apply the operation 2 times:
- Swap nums[1] with nums[2]. The array becomes [1,3,5,9,8]
- Swap nums[3] with nums[4]. The array becomes [1,3,5,8,9]
We cannot obtain a lexicographically smaller array by applying any more operations.
Note that it may be possible to get the same result by doing different operations.

Example 2:

Input: nums = [1,7,6,18,2,1], limit = 3
Output: [1,6,7,18,1,2]
Explanation: Apply the operation 3 times:
- Swap nums[1] with nums[2]. The array becomes [1,6,7,18,2,1]
- Swap nums[0] with nums[4]. The array becomes [2,6,7,18,1,1]
- Swap nums[0] with nums[5]. The array becomes [1,6,7,18,1,2]
We cannot obtain a lexicographically smaller array by applying any more operations.

Example 3:

Input: nums = [1,7,28,19,10], limit = 3
Output: [1,7,28,19,10]
Explanation: [1,7,28,19,10] is the lexicographically smallest array we can obtain because we cannot apply the operation on any two indices.



  • 1 <= nums.length <= 105
  • 1 <= nums[i] <= 109
  • 1 <= limit <= 109


Solution 1


class Solution:
    def lexicographicallySmallestArray(self, nums: List[int], limit: int) -> List[int]:
        n = len(nums)
        arr = sorted(zip(nums, range(n)))
        ans = [0] * n
        i = 0
        while i < n:
            j = i + 1
            while j < n and arr[j][0] - arr[j - 1][0] <= limit:
                j += 1
            idx = sorted(k for _, k in arr[i:j])
            for k, (x, _) in zip(idx, arr[i:j]):
                ans[k] = x
            i = j
        return ans


class Solution {
    public int[] lexicographicallySmallestArray(int[] nums, int limit) {
        int n = nums.length;
        Integer[] idx = new Integer[n];
        for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            idx[i] = i;
        Arrays.sort(idx, (i, j) -> nums[i] - nums[j]);
        int[] ans = new int[n];
        for (int i = 0; i < n;) {
            int j = i + 1;
            while (j < n && nums[idx[j]] - nums[idx[j - 1]] <= limit) {
            Integer[] t = Arrays.copyOfRange(idx, i, j);
            Arrays.sort(t, (x, y) -> x - y);
            for (int k = i; k < j; ++k) {
                ans[t[k - i]] = nums[idx[k]];
            i = j;
        return ans;


class Solution {
    vector<int> lexicographicallySmallestArray(vector<int>& nums, int limit) {
        int n = nums.size();
        vector<int> idx(n);
        iota(idx.begin(), idx.end(), 0);
        sort(idx.begin(), idx.end(), [&](int i, int j) {
            return nums[i] < nums[j];
        vector<int> ans(n);
        for (int i = 0; i < n;) {
            int j = i + 1;
            while (j < n && nums[idx[j]] - nums[idx[j - 1]] <= limit) {
            vector<int> t(idx.begin() + i, idx.begin() + j);
            sort(t.begin(), t.end());
            for (int k = i; k < j; ++k) {
                ans[t[k - i]] = nums[idx[k]];
            i = j;
        return ans;


func lexicographicallySmallestArray(nums []int, limit int) []int {
	n := len(nums)
	idx := make([]int, n)
	for i := range idx {
		idx[i] = i
	slices.SortFunc(idx, func(i, j int) int { return nums[i] - nums[j] })
	ans := make([]int, n)
	for i := 0; i < n; {
		j := i + 1
		for j < n && nums[idx[j]]-nums[idx[j-1]] <= limit {
		t := slices.Clone(idx[i:j])
		for k := i; k < j; k++ {
			ans[t[k-i]] = nums[idx[k]]
		i = j
	return ans


function lexicographicallySmallestArray(nums: number[], limit: number): number[] {
    const n: number = nums.length;
    const idx: number[] = Array.from({ length: n }, (_, i) => i);
    idx.sort((i, j) => nums[i] - nums[j]);
    const ans: number[] = Array(n).fill(0);
    for (let i = 0; i < n; ) {
        let j = i + 1;
        while (j < n && nums[idx[j]] - nums[idx[j - 1]] <= limit) {
        const t: number[] = idx.slice(i, j).sort((a, b) => a - b);
        for (let k: number = i; k < j; k++) {
            ans[t[k - i]] = nums[idx[k]];
        i = j;
    return ans;