When starting a genesis praos blockchain there is an element to take into consideration while constructing the block 0: the stake distribution.
In the context of Genesis/Praos the network is fully decentralized and it is necessary to think ahead about initial stake pools and to make sure there is stake delegated to these stake pools.
In your genesis yaml file, make sure to set the following values to the appropriate values/desired values:
# The Blockchain Configuration defines the settings of the blockchain.
block0_consensus: genesis
bft_slots_ratio: 0
consensus_genesis_praos_active_slot_coeff: 0.1
kes_update_speed: 43200 # 12hours
set to genesis
means you want to start a blockchain with
genesis praos as the consensus layer.
needs to be set to 0
(we don't support composite modes between
BFT mode and Genesis mode -- yet).
determines minimum stake required to
try becoming slot leader, must be in range 0 exclusive and 1 inclusive.
In the initial_certs
field you will set the initial certificate. This is important
to declare the stake pool and delegate stake to them. Otherwise no block will be ever
Remember that in this array the order matters:
In order to delegate your stake, you need a stake pool to already exist, so the stake pool registration certificate should go first.
Now you can register a stake pool. Follow the instruction in registering stake pool guide.
The owner key (the key you sign the stake pool registration certificate) is the secret key associated to a previously registered stake key.
Now that there is both your stake key and there are stake pools available in the block0 you need to delegate to one of the stake pool. Follow the instruction in delegating stake.
And in the initial funds start adding the addresses. To create an address with delegation follow the instruction in JCLI's address guide. Utilise the stake key registered previously as group address:
jcli address single $(cat wallet_key.pub) $(cat stake_key.pub)
You will notice that addresses with delegation are longer (about twice longer) than address without delegation.
For example, the most minimal setting you may have is:
# register a stake pool (P), owner of the stake pool is the stake key (K)
- cert1qsqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq0p5avfqp9tzusr26chayeddkkmdlap6tl23ceca8unsghc22tap8clhrzslkehdycufa4ywvqvs4u36zctw4ydtg7xagprfgz0vuujh3lgtxgfszqzqj4xk4sxxyg392p5nqz8s7ev5wna7eqz7ycsuas05mrupmdsfk0fqqudanew6c0nckf5tsp0lgnk8e8j0dpnxvjk2usn52vs8umr3qrccegxaz
# delegate stake associated to stake key (K) to stake pool (P)
- cert1q0rv4ccl54k99rtnm39xvhwvqcwjcm385n2dwvamahpu5tmdz3plt65rpewev3a03xj7nfx5pz0xap2cjxjnxvt2ma9y9dalzder3xm5qyqyq0lx05ggrws0ghuffqrg7scqzdsd665v4m7087eam5zvw4f26v2tsea3ujrxly243sgqkn42uttk5juvq78ajvfx9ttcmj05lfuwtq9qhdxzr0
# address without delegation
- address: ta1swx4j3jwel94g0cgwzq9au7h6m8f5q3qnyh0gfnryl3xan6qnmjsczt057x
value: 10000
# address delegating to stake key (K)
- address: ta1sjx4j3jwel94g0cgwzq9au7h6m8f5q3qnyh0gfnryl3xan6qnmjse3k2uv062mzj34eacjnxthxqv8fvdcn6f4xhxwa7ms729ak3gsl4qrq2mm
value: 1000000
Now, for starting the node and be able to generate new blocks, you have to put your pool's private keys and id in a file and start the node with the --secret filename
For example, if you follow the examples of the registering stake pool guide
You could create a file called poolsecret.yaml with the following content.
sig_key: Content of stake_pool_kes.prv file
vrf_key: Content of stake_pool_vrf.prv file
node_id: Content of stake_pool.id file
And you could start the node with this command
jormungandr --genesis-block block-0.bin --config config.yaml --secret poolsecret.yaml
There is a script here that can be used to bootstrap a test node with a pre-set faucet and stake pool and can be used as an example.