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291 lines (229 loc) · 12.8 KB

FLCore 2.6.16


  • uom() does not strip spaces inside the string, makes '1000 t' work.
  • Products of t and multiples of 10 return correct units #62
  • getPlural ignored derived classes, like FLIndexBiomass, now dispatches on FLI and FLS.
  • harvest(FLQ) now runs optimize for one year objects, handles well iters.
  • computeCatch(FLStock) propagates slots if not matching. Logical subsetting fails otherwise.


  • uom() is not called anymore on FLQuant - numeric operations.


  • survivors(FLStock) function calculates the population survivors and returns them as an FLQuant.
  • sr(FLBiol) to access full @rec slot.
  • Methods have been defined for aithmetic operations element by element between two FLQuants objects, and for dividing each of an FLQuants by each of an FLPars of the same length.

FLCore 2.6.15


  • FLCore now imports ggplot2 to avoid the clash over the %+% operator veings defined in both packages. FLCore now uses ggplot::%+% as basis for the method generic. Only this function is imported, as FLCore does not use any other ggplot2 method.
  • qapply() now has a simplify argument to call unlist() on the output and return a vector. Deafults to simplify=FALSE
  • windows accepts a negative value for end and will substract that number of years from the object.
  • metrics() can now handle formulas combining object functions and vector or FLPar elements, e.g. metrics(ple4, ~ssb/Blim, FLPar(Blim=300000))


  • mohnMatrix to construct a table of metrics to compute Mohn's rho from an FLStocks object obtained from a restrospective analysis.
  • readVPAInterCatch creates an FLQuant from a VPA file in the format exported by ICES Intercatch system.
  • fwd(FLQuant) to move one year forward a population vector.
  • fwd(FLStock) calculates survivors and places them one year one age ahead.
  • qapply can simplify output, calling unlist.
  • divide() separates object along iters into list.
  • cv(FLQuantPoint) returns std/mean.
  • New method for FLQuantPoint.
  • '1000 t' is now accepted by uom().


  • iter<- method for FLBiol and predictModel.
  • logrstandard can now deal with NaN

FLCore 2.6.14


  • intersect method called on two FLQuants returns them subset to only the common dimension names.
  • standardUnits provides a possible set of standard units of measurement in complex object. Set now for FLS/FLStock, using 1000, kg, t, m, and f, as in data(ple4).
  • append method for FLQuant and FLStock adss an object to another by year dimnames or ar year specified by 'after'.

FLCore 2.6.12


  • flc2flq has been deprecated. Use as(object, 'FLQuant') instead.


  • Fix to iter(vector) after addition of iterators dependency.

FLCore 2.6.11


  • dimnames(FLComp) method defined, returns dimnames corresponding to maximum length per dimension.


  • combine(FLQuant) and combine (FLComp) can now accept multiple objects, useful for using with foreach's .multicombine.
  • Replacement method for FLlst elements ([[<-) now allows extending it.
  • Dependency added on iterators package. iter() method was overwritten when iterators was loaded.


  • FLStock@mat conversion to FLBiol@mat/fec now works with NAs

FLCore 2.6.10


  • window(FLQuantDistr) method added to deal with @var slot
  • Method %*% for FLQuants,FLPar added
  • Better handling of currency units, so far for EUR and USD. Symbols are accepted
  • show() for FLComp-derived classes will call summary instead of printDefault. print() will still show the full object


  • propagate(FLPar) placed the original object in the matching dimname$iter, instead of iter=1
  • Methods for %^% and ^ did not deal properly with units. Exponentation now returns the units of the base

FLCore 2.6.9


  • survSRR implements Taylor et al (2013, doi: 10.1016/j.fishres.2012.04.018) model for low fecundity species.
  • ssf(FLStock) method returns the Spawning Stock Fecundity, as stock.n times mat, where mat holds fecundity by individual
  • spread() function to make available inside a function a list of parameters


  • Added calcF=TRUE to simplify(), to speed it up when harvest is not needed

FLCore 2.6.7


  • Added iterProb(FLQuant) method


  • writeADMB now accepts append=TRUE/FALSE
  • Added generics from mpb and FLRP
  • Improved simplify(FLStock)
  • predict(predictModel) now accepts numeric vectors and FLPar objects in ...


  • Corrected simplify(FLStock) to use unweighted means for wts
  • Added ... to msy et al generics
  • Added numeric code 23 for bevholtss3
  • BUG in '[', wrong pgroup if i=-1
  • Corrected simplify(FLStock) to use unweighted means for wt
  • Bug in uom for FLQ,numeric when numeric was of length > 1
  • Bug when dims was only one of unit or area
  • Convert numeric to uom in Arith only if length==1

FLCore 2.6.6


  • window(FLStocks) method to apply same window call across all elements.
  • combine(FLStocks) method collapses all elements into a single FLStock object. with as many iters as elements in the list, must all have 1 iter.
  • combine(FLQuants, FLQuants) merges them one element at a time.
  • drop(FLQuant) returns the result of a call to base::drop on @.Data.
  • New verify() method for complex classes evaluates object against a set of rules. Checks content rather than structure, as validity functions do.
  • New ruleset method to return standard verify rules per class.
  • window() and expand() methods for FLPar.
  • iter() method for FLlst, lapplies it along the list


  • propagate(FLPar) to return object if iter == iters #45.
  • Ratios of numbers written in alternative ways now also return an empty character.


  • dimnames<- for FLStock with no ages failed when changing age name #42.
  • uom can now handle better products with units containing divisions.
  • coerce(FLBiol, FLBiolcpp) will now extend srparam to have as many years as the object, to allow params per time period to be passed and used.
  • coerce(FLBiol, FLBiolcpp) now windows FLPar if year is given.
  • trim(FLBiol) is able to handle predictModel slots.
  • [[<- and $<- FLlst now work on extended classes, like predictModel.
  • predict(predictModel) now handles correctly iters and extra FLPar dimensions.


  • catchSel is to be substituted by catch.sel, use the later instead
  • wt<-(FLStock) is to be deprecated, use the individual accessor methods instead

FLCore 2.6.5


  • New harvest method for stock.n, catch.n and m, by minimizing diff in catch.
  • survey and cpue methods to generate observations from an operating model
  • knit_print.FLQuant method for the printr package, better printing of FLQuant objects in knitr documents


  • FLStock creator uses empty object for sizing, keeps iters but drops them if object(s) are named.


  • Add tiny value to landings and discards to ensure no division by zero in computeCatch.
  • Added reduced version to print(FLPar, reduced=TRUE) to reuse in summary methods

FLCore 2.6.4


  • %=% operator to modify on thed fly the content of an FLQuant/FLArray. Object structure can be reused with contents being changed, e.g. FLQuant(2, dim=c(3,10)) %=% 0 will return the object with zeros.
  • FLModelSim and FLModelSims new classes
  • [<- FLArray now accepts an input FLQuant and keeps the structure, still recyling as appropriate.
  • New FLStockLen class for length-based stock data and results.
  • New tS and tS<- method to extract and replace individual time steps in an object with years and seasons
  • tsp method for FLQuant returns 'tsp' attribute: start, end and frequency (seasons)
  • Arith method for FLQuant is now unit-aware, see ?units
  • wireframe method from lattice now available for FLQuant
  • [ method for FLQuantDistr
  • FLIndexBiomass class for biomass-based indices of abundance.
  • Class FLBiolcpp for interfacing with CPP
  • New catch.sel method for FLStock, computed as proportion across ages of harvest
  • predictMosdel class for use in FLBiol
  • A set of aliases for the class creators is now available. Should be used only when working interactively.
  • Added dim method to FLQuant and FLStock, ensures an unnamed vector is returned
  • Added $ method for FLQuant, operates along 'quant' dimension
  • New method metrics to compute from list or function
  • Added vb method for vulnerable biomass


  • model.frame(FLComp) now has an mcf=TRUE argument to correct slots of different dim
  • computeLogLik method added to FLModel. Will return a logLik object calculated with the data and params in the object
  • New iterMedians(FLQuant) method to applky median along iter dim
  • coerce method for data.frame to FLPar now assumes a 2D structure with iters as rows and params as columns
  • rlnorm(FLPar, ...) and rnorm(FLPar, ...) now available
  • mvrnorm(numeric, FLQuant) and mvrnorm(numeric, FLQuant, matrix) now available
  • propagate(FLComp) now propagates FLPar slots as well
  • FLFleet, FLMetier and FLCatch classes (plus their plurals) and methods have been moved to the FLFleet package
  • ifelse has now been definedx for test="FLQuant"
  • for FLQuant(s) and FLComp now has an option cohort=FALSE to return a column named cohort, calculated as year-age. Ony for age-quanted objects
  • getPlural is now an S4 method dispatching on singular classes and returning the name of the corresponding FLlst-based class
  • returns qname as factor with levels in the order of the input object
  • modified quantile(FLQuant) so dimnames in iter follow quantile(array), e.g. 50%
  • tail method for FLQuant, operates by default along the year dimension.
  • deprecated sr function is now a method to return aligned stock/recruits FLQuants from an FLStock
  • propagate(FLComp) accepts extending an object to existing nu mber of iters for all other slots of length 1.
  • trim(FLS) u[pdates min/maxfbar if needed
  • transform(FLComp) now accepts a named FLQuants object as substitution argument (...)
  • FLQuants() now accepts an FLCOMP object and a list of names/functions to be used to extract individual FLQuant(s)
  • FLPar validity now checks that content is numeric. Default frist dimname is now 'params'
  • FLIndices class can take both FLIndex and FLIndexBiomass objects
  • mean.lifespan renamed as meanLifespan to avoid S3 conflict
  • uom() returns kg for 1 * kg
  • expand() now stops if new dimnames do not contain old ones and these were of length greater than 1
  • seasonSums is now based on colSums and aperm, 75 times faster
  • new lattice-based plot(FLStocks)
  • Added dimensions line to summary(FLComp)
  • Defining fwd generic here so it can be used by mpb and Flash(er)
  • Validity for FLlst is now more flexible to accomodate children classes like FLIndexBiomass
  • Dropped redundant Sums and Products methods for FLQuants, use Reduce("+", ...) instead


  • coerce of data.frame to FLPar deals rightly with multiple params and no iters in wide format.
  • iterMeans(FLQuant) was not operating along the 6th dim
  • coerce from FLPar to data.frame now works as expected
  • Added check for range names to FLComp class validity. Elements must be named with non-empty strings and contain, at least, min, max, minyear and maxyear
  • coerce from data.frame to FLPar now handles correctly iters
  • apply(FLArray) did not keep the object units
  • rnorm, rlnorm and rpois did not keep tje object units
  • code2name for FLSR did not reocngize properly bevholtSV
  • fmle() can now use method="Brent" for one parameter problems
  • New ple4.biol with data up to 2008. No integer value
  • prototype object for FLComp VIRTUAl class has name as character(1)
  • as.FLQuant(df) failed on objects with no 'year' column
  • propagate(FLQuant) now accepts iter == dim[6]
  • Faulty comparison in expand(FLArray) fixed #7
  • Wrong test in validity for FLModelSim
  • Fixed bug in FLPar %% FLPar when objects were actually equal in dims, always returned product
  • quantile(FLQuant) returned oject with wrong dimensions
  • FLPar(missing) now creates objects with right number of iters, works when used with call()
  • lapply(FLst) works on zero length object, does nothing
  • square operators for FLlst return the right names, desc and lock
  • Attributes of FLPar maintained by [ and [<-
  • as(data.frame, 'FLPar') transposed objects without need
  • [<- FLlst now respects names when list elements are added
  • rbind(FLPar) should work better now
  • predictModel@model slot now has by default an emptyenv()
  • uom is now safer to non-strings by using sprintf() for conversion
  • Quick fix for readIndicesAdapt dimensions
  • apply(FLArray) did not return an FLQuant if function did not change the dimensions of the object


  • All of the documentation has been converted to roxygen2.


  • FLFleet, FLMetier and FLCatch classes (plus their plurals) and methods have been moved to the FLFleet package