- Rob Prouse - @rprouse
- Mattias Karlsson - @devlead
- Andrew White - @AndrewTriesToCode
- Calvin A. Allen - @CalvinAllen
- Dan Siegel - @dansiegel
- Daniel Valadas @valadas
- Dylan Perks - @Perksey
- Gary Ewan Park - @gep13
- James Newton-King - @JamesNK
- James Turner - @Turnerj
- Matthias Koch - @matkoch
- Nils Andresen - @nils-a
- Pascal Berger - @pascalberger
- Rob Mensching - @robmen
- Simon Cropp - @SimonCropp
- Tanner Gooding - @tannergooding
- Tony Qu - @tonyqus
- Introduction to the working group
- Discuss the charter for the working group
- Discuss community issues that the group should tackle in upcoming meetings
We need a charter for the group to set the working scope of the committee and to define our boundaries so that we don't step into areas that are already being covered by other working groups. Our intention for this group is to get suggestions from project maintainers on how the foundation can better support their projects. It is also intended to discuss potential board policies with maintainers before they are implemented. There was also discussion of maintainers supporting each other, or a buddy system, but that is more a proposal of a change rather than the charter.
Our charter should be our overall goals for this working group, not individual proposals, or changes that we would like to see implemented.
The projects committee handles approval of projects joining the foundation, onboarding support and is looking at ways to support smaller projects that are not part of the foundation yet, seed projects. We don't want to overlap with their mandate so should stick with support for projects that are onboarded into the foundation.
- Provide a forum for existing project maintainers to provide feedback to the board on support that they need or desire
- A group of people that the board can bring policies to get their feedback and desires, a sounding board for the board
- Will work with onboarded projects
- Helping the board help projects and helping maintainers help each other
- Committee is open to everyone in the community
- Will rework the charter and add to GitHub issue for further discussion
- Where do we stand with projects that are no longer maintained? Do we archive or help move them forward?
- What is the process for someone else to take over a project?
- What are requirements vs recommendations for member projects?
- How do we deal with new requirements for existing projects? Can they be retroactively applied?
- We should document and help with best practices for member projects
- Committees are driven by the committee members
- Should be a way for the community to ask for a committee to work on a project
- Issue template for proposals
- How does the community provide feedback, propose new policies and best practices?
- We need a consolidated database of project maintainers that we can reference for help between projects
- Create an area owners doc for project maintainership across the foundation. This would list skillsets of maintainers so that we can reach out to and help each other
- A chance for maintainers to interact and share information
- Further ideas linked by Tanner
- Should not make decisions on behalf of all projects, should only provide feedback
- How do we communicate with all maintainers?
- How do we find reliable contacts for all projects?
- Maintainers need to feel that their thoughts and opinions are being heard from
- A go/no-go poll of maintainers for new project requirements and recommendations
- Documenting and educating maintainers on why policies are important
- Library Guidance was created by James. We could use as a basis of our best practices and expand?
- Project committee does not onboard a project, it only recommends which ones should be onboarded. There is a gap in support.
- Why should a project join the foundation? Here is what you gain and here is what you lose.
- Who is responsible for implementing and enforcing policy?
- Can we build a community of maintainers and members? What does that look like?
- Help and guidelines for the soft skills of maintaining projects like dealing with difficult PRs and issues
- Highlight lack of documentation and transparency between the foundation and projects. Can we add a section to the website where people can create PRs.
- We need a documented process for feedback
- Create a proposals section in our repo [Rob]
- Set meetings for second Wed of every month at 21:00 UTC
- Rob to clean up the charter and post to the GitHub issue Create Charter for the Group for final discussion and approval before bringing it to the board
- Rob to create a proposals section in the repository for committee members to submit proposals for the group to work on
- Rob to schedule ongoing meetings for the second Wednesday of every month at 21:00 UTC