Add workload garbage collection tests for side-by-side manifests #35857
Build Analysis / Build Analysis
Oct 19, 2023 in 0s
.NET Result Analysis
All checks completed
Build Rerun
✔️ Build passed after 1 retries.
(Attempt #1) [link to build]
dotnet-sdk-public-ci / Build / Windows_NT_FullFramework / Windows_NT_FullFramework Build_Debug / Build
[:construction: Report infrastructure issue] [:page_facing_up: Report repository issue]-
❌(NETCORE_ENGINEERING_TELEMETRY=InitializeToolset) The request was aborted: The connection was closed unexpectedly.
❌(NETCORE_ENGINEERING_TELEMETRY=InitializeToolset) Unable to download file in 5 attempts.
❌(NETCORE_ENGINEERING_TELEMETRY=InitializeToolset) Failed to install 'sdk v8.0.100-preview.7.23376.3' from any of the specified locations.
- ❌ 1 more errors on this task
dotnet-sdk-public-ci / Build / Windows_NT_FullFramework / Windows_NT_FullFramework Build_Debug / Run Tests in Helix
[:construction: Report infrastructure issue] [:page_facing_up: Report repository issue]-
❌(NETCORE_ENGINEERING_TELEMETRY=InitializeToolset) The request was aborted: The connection was closed unexpectedly.
❌(NETCORE_ENGINEERING_TELEMETRY=InitializeToolset) Unable to download file in 5 attempts.
❌(NETCORE_ENGINEERING_TELEMETRY=InitializeToolset) Failed to install 'sdk v8.0.100-preview.7.23376.3' from any of the specified locations.
- ❌ 1 more errors on this task