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Creating/buying the compass brakes the game #730
Could you provide your game export code? There is no guarantee that it will easy to fix or is an issue, but having a game export code will help.
is this it? 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 |
It is because you already have a compass. Guess this issue is fixed? |
no because 'the path' didn't show up and it won't let me buy/make another compass and buying the map doesn't work either
Your game data seems to be the issue. When your game export code is decoded using a base64 decoder, the result is this:
However, in a world that has unlocked the dusty path, you would have a "world" parameter as well, as shown below:
If I use the encoder to add a map parameter to your export code, the dusty path does appear. If you made this game by encoding data, then you didn't do the job correctly. If you didn't, you could try adding the map parameter to your decoded export code and encode and import it, or you could try restarting your game. |
I didn't encode anything I was playing another game by doublespeak and I decided to try 'A Dark Room' because it looked fun. restarting doesn't work either I've tried that multiple times. I'll try adding the map parameter thing, but I'm not good with this stuff so I'll probably end up breaking something else 😅. Thank you for being so helpful so far!
Could you perhaps provide which browser you are using, what version, and if you turned any settings on that you think may be causing issues? Also if you plan to continue playing, try the import code below (it should be your game but with a few changes so that if you buy the compass again it should open the path):
(This is what it looks like once decoded:)
im using google chrome, version 124.0.6367.91, I have sound turned off, dark mode on, and hyper is on. I tried the code you sent me and it still didn't work. (I have to refresh inorder to be able to click anything, but here's the code if you need it) 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
If you plan to continue playing try using the import code below (which contains the world parameter). I can't figure out why buying the compass would set all the necessary variables and parameters but not create a map for you because it does for me, but try the new import code and tell me if there are any issues.
It doesn't work, the whole thing just freezes up and I have to hit cancel inorder to do anything. I've tried just waiting it out and that doesn't work either.
hi @SleepyKing666 i think this require technical fix, but you can fix it by yourself by using this method:
My speculation for this issue is, when you buy compass before this issue appear there is some progress that failed when creating the world to embark. Maybe internet connection or there is a bug with your Chrome version previously. But since i answer this question on July, your computer should have update/Clean Up the browser localStorage and your issue should have been resolved by it own. |
I don't know if this is a problem for everyone, but I can't make or buy the compass, or my game crashes. I'm on a browser and if I try and gather wood or check traps it acts like it works but when it finishes it doesn't give me anything. It won't let me buy anything either. if I refresh the tab it shows that I've bought/made the compass but the path doesn't show up. waiting for the scout and buying a map doesn't work either. I've restarted the game like five times at this point and it's really annoying that it still doesn't work. If someone could suggest a fix for this I would be grateful!
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