Sign up for a Heroku account.
Add the Bigwig addon.
Install the Heroku toolbelt locally.
Pick an app name (HEROKU_APP in the below).
Clone the combo repository (local path to this clone is LOCAL_REPO below).
Run these commands:
heroku apps:create HEROKU_APP cd LOCAL_REPO git remote add heroku [email protected]:HEROKU_APP.git git push heroku master heroku ps:scale web=1 heroku ps:scale archivist=1 heroku open
AWS: set up RDS Postgres instance and EC2 Ubuntu instance
Create user called combo createuser combo Create database called combo createdb combo Create facts table in combo psql combo Paste "CREATE TABLE facts ( id serial primary key, topic character varying(255), ts timestamp without time zone, content json );" Give combo user access to facts table "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON facts TO combo;" (at the psql prompt)
On EC2 instance:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git
git clone https://github.com/douglassquirrel/combo.git
cd combo/install
./test-rabbit.py localhost
./test-postgres.py [postgres host]
Then from remote machine
./test-rabbit.py [host]
./test-postgres.py [postgres host]
This is intended for local development, not a production server
Install Homebrew (if you somehow haven't) Read http://brew.sh/ for details Install Postgres brew install postgresql Start Postgres postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres & Install RabbitMQ brew install rabbitmq Start RabbitMQ /usr/local/opt/rabbitmq/sbin/rabbitmq-server &
Then follow the instructions above to setup Postgres