Releases: dqx-translation-project/dqxclarity
Dev Build: 4.2.0-dev-6622472
Release: v4.1.0
Release: v4.0.1
Dev Build: 4.1.0-dev-e87a2cc
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v3.33.0-dev...v4.1.0-dev
Release: v4.0.0
Hey there,
This is a long time coming, but this dqxclarity
release is special and has taken me several months of work (I started down this route mid-October) to get to where it's at.
I've been interested in seeing what all can be pulled from the game files, instead of having to load a file on demand. It made sense for speed, for ease of translation (we don't need you to find the file) and it would stop making patches a headache to maintain. After many hours of determination, I can now append to a DAT that packages the translated files that our translators have worked so hard on. Think of this method as a game mod where you now just need to back up the original game files and drop a new file in its place. This method takes the overhead from Clarity, answers all of the problems I was trying to solve and additionally enables us to do something really cool. After understanding how the game text files are constructed, they can now be rebuilt to allow us to lift the infamous "byte limitation" and write strings as long as we want. No more "Shd", "E.", or other truncated words.
This patched DAT will be built on a daily basis and will include the latest translation files that the translators have written up.
Clarity has moved to be a strictly live translation tool, meaning it translates things on the fly. Monster names, NPC names and game text that is all fed server side from DQX servers is what Clarity will continue to handle as it does now. If you would like all of the static text in the game files to be translated, you will need to download and use the modified DAT.
One new feature I've added is what I'm calling a "community logger", which can be enabled in the dqxclarity GUI. This logs game information that this project needs in order for us to continue with the translation efforts. If there's a cutscene that isn't translated and you've come across it, that log will pick it up and be invaluable to helping us get it translated for everyone. This is purely optional, but I'd love it if you turned it on and provided these logs to me periodically (they can be found in the logs
folder after you've turned it on).
How do I install it?
First, there has been quite a few changes to dqxclarity
, so your updater will likely break and you'll want to download it fresh. Grab it from the releases section in Github:
As always, extract the
and run it.
Right next to the files in Github, you will also find two new files:
These are the new files you will need to grab that have the latest translations. Note the filesize of the dat0 - it's roughly 540MB~ (as of now). If you have bandwidth restrictions with your ISP, you may only want to pull this down once per patch. Otherwise, these update daily and will contain new translations as the translators get to them.
To use these, browse to your DQX directory (by default, installed in C:\Program Files (x86)\SquareEnix\DRAGON QUEST X
) and navigate to Game\Content\Data
. It's suggested to take a backup of the existing two files and then place the two new downloaded files into this directory.
Launch the game like normal (with clarity) and you're set.
What about patches?
I've only seen the DAT through one series of game patches, but the modded DAT just get written over and reset. Once we've published a new set of dats, you can simply download them and put them back in the same directory.
Will the DAT auto update?
Unfortunately, no. This is one feature that has been lost, which is getting the translations to you at a slightly slower interval. Instead of updating on every launch, you will need to go out and grab the latest DAT. I don't want the overhead of delivering a 500MB+ file to you and the pains of file corruption and potentially hosing your install.
Overall, I'm happy with this update and hope you feel the same. This will make this project easier to maintain as a lot of our processes are pretty automated.
Big thanks to Superfirm and Shobu for helping maintain the signatures during patches, knocking out text bugs you guys encounter, as well as how dedicated they are in their translation efforts and thanks to Sevithian for building DQXClarity.exe
so you guys don't have to use a command line tool. :)
Thanks for using dqxclarity
. I hope you like it.
Full Changelog: v3.32.0...v4.0.0
Dev Build: 3.33.0-dev-657e02a
Release: v3.32.0
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v3.31.0...v3.32.0
Release: v3.31.0
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v3.30.0...v3.31.0
Release: v3.30.0
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v3.29.0...v3.30.0
Release: v3.29.0
What's Changed
- Release: v3.28.0 by @SuperFirm84 in #32
- Sync: main to dev by @github-actions in #33
Full Changelog: v3.28.0...v3.29.0