Compiles Pug templates single file containing template functions. Supports commonJS.
Based on gulp-jade-templates-concat by Nicholas Stonehouse.
$ npm install --save-dev gulp-pug-template-concat
var pug = require('gulp-pug');
var pugConcat = require('gulp-pug-template-concat');
gulp.task("client-templates", function(){
client: true
.pipe(pugConcat('mytemplates.js', {
// uncomment to change templateVariable name. "templates" by default
// templateVariable: "templates"
// uncomment following line to export templates in commonJS manner
// commonJS: true
This compiles all of your client side pug templates into a file called mytemplates.js
The templateVariable
option is optional and will default to templates
if it is not set.
Link the concatenated file with a script tag
Access the generated templates using dot or bracket access notation.