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This project was bootstrapped as a Vue project with the command:

vue create eliza

All default tooling setup via the above command is used, which includes:

Getting Started

npm install

npm start

Runs the app in development mode.

The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.

Helpful Commands

npm run build

Type-check using vue-tsc and build the app using Vite.

npm run test

Run unit tests via the Vitest framework and Vue Testing Library.

npm run generate

Use buf to generate the compiled protos via protobuf-es.

Bonus Commands

The following commands are also available via the Vue starter project:

npm run preview

Previews a built application on port 4173.

npm run test:e2e

Runs e2e tests in interactive mode using Cypress.

npm run test:e2e:ci

Runs tests in CI mode using Cypress.

npm run build-only

Build the app using Vite.

npm run type-check

Runs type-check using vue-tsc.

npm run lint

Runs eslint against codebase.