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yo-404 committed Sep 19, 2023
1 parent 83cfb6a commit 2c1c1a8
Showing 1 changed file with 1 addition and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/lib/components/illustrations/lp-hero.svelte
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -425,7 +425,7 @@
d="M835.863 502.786C835.863 496.711 840.788 491.786 846.863 491.786H865.863V501.786C865.863 508.413 860.491 513.786 853.863 513.786H846.863C840.788 513.786 835.863 508.861 835.863 502.786V502.786Z"
d="M845.153 507.925C844.569 507.925 844.044 507.809 843.577 507.577C843.109 507.345 842.735 507.027 842.453 506.622C842.171 506.218 842.017 505.757 841.991 505.24H843.184C843.23 505.701 843.439 506.082 843.81 506.384C844.185 506.682 844.632 506.831 845.153 506.831C845.57 506.831 845.941 506.733 846.266 506.538C846.594 506.342 846.851 506.074 847.037 505.732C847.226 505.388 847.32 504.998 847.32 504.564C847.32 504.12 847.223 503.724 847.027 503.376C846.835 503.025 846.57 502.748 846.232 502.546C845.893 502.343 845.507 502.241 845.073 502.237C844.762 502.234 844.442 502.282 844.114 502.382C843.785 502.478 843.515 502.602 843.303 502.754L842.15 502.615L842.766 497.604H848.056V498.698H843.8L843.442 501.7H843.502C843.711 501.535 843.973 501.397 844.288 501.288C844.602 501.178 844.931 501.124 845.272 501.124C845.895 501.124 846.45 501.273 846.937 501.571C847.428 501.866 847.812 502.27 848.091 502.784C848.373 503.298 848.513 503.885 848.513 504.544C848.513 505.194 848.368 505.774 848.076 506.284C847.788 506.791 847.39 507.192 846.883 507.487C846.376 507.779 845.799 507.925 845.153 507.925ZM855.679 505.877V505.34C855.679 504.968 855.755 504.629 855.907 504.32C856.063 504.009 856.289 503.76 856.584 503.575C856.882 503.386 857.243 503.291 857.667 503.291C858.098 503.291 858.46 503.386 858.751 503.575C859.043 503.76 859.263 504.009 859.412 504.32C859.562 504.629 859.636 504.968 859.636 505.34V505.877C859.636 506.248 859.56 506.589 859.407 506.901C859.258 507.209 859.036 507.458 858.741 507.646C858.45 507.832 858.092 507.925 857.667 507.925C857.237 507.925 856.874 507.832 856.579 507.646C856.284 507.458 856.06 507.209 855.907 506.901C855.755 506.589 855.679 506.248 855.679 505.877ZM856.693 505.34V505.877C856.693 506.185 856.766 506.462 856.912 506.707C857.058 506.949 857.309 507.07 857.667 507.07C858.015 507.07 858.261 506.949 858.403 506.707C858.549 506.462 858.622 506.185 858.622 505.877V505.34C858.622 505.031 858.552 504.756 858.413 504.514C858.274 504.269 858.025 504.146 857.667 504.146C857.319 504.146 857.069 504.269 856.917 504.514C856.768 504.756 856.693 505.031 856.693 505.34ZM850.608 500.05V499.513C850.608 499.142 850.684 498.802 850.836 498.494C850.992 498.182 851.218 497.934 851.513 497.748C851.811 497.559 852.172 497.465 852.596 497.465C853.027 497.465 853.389 497.559 853.68 497.748C853.972 497.934 854.192 498.182 854.341 498.494C854.491 498.802 854.565 499.142 854.565 499.513V500.05C854.565 500.421 854.489 500.762 854.336 501.074C854.187 501.382 853.965 501.631 853.67 501.82C853.379 502.005 853.021 502.098 852.596 502.098C852.166 502.098 851.803 502.005 851.508 501.82C851.213 501.631 850.989 501.382 850.836 501.074C850.684 500.762 850.608 500.421 850.608 500.05ZM851.622 499.513V500.05C851.622 500.358 851.695 500.635 851.841 500.88C851.987 501.122 852.238 501.243 852.596 501.243C852.944 501.243 853.19 501.122 853.332 500.88C853.478 500.635 853.551 500.358 853.551 500.05V499.513C853.551 499.205 853.481 498.93 853.342 498.688C853.203 498.442 852.954 498.32 852.596 498.32C852.248 498.32 851.998 498.442 851.846 498.688C851.697 498.93 851.622 499.205 851.622 499.513ZM850.986 507.786L857.986 497.604H859.119L852.119 507.786H850.986Z"
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