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Peter Bull edited this page Oct 28, 2021 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the zamba wiki!

Model Zoo

We encourage users to share models they train with the broader conservation community. This is especially helpful if models are trained on new ecologies and/or new species.

Got a model to share with the community? Add a row to the Model Zoo table below! You should include a name for the model, a description (where are the videos from, what species are included, how many videos did you train with, what is the habitat?), a link to the ckpt weighs file saved by zamba, a link to the configuration yml file so other people can load and use your model, and some contact info in case others want to reach out about the model.

Running a model

To use one of these models, download the weights file and the configuration file from the Model Zoo Wiki. You'll need to create a prediction config to use that at least contains the same video_loader_config from the configuration yaml you downloaded. Then you can run the model with:

$ zamba predict --checkpoint downloaded_weights.ckpt --config predict_config.yaml
Name Description Weights Config Contact (GH username, org, etc.)
model name short model description public link to checkpoint file public link to config yaml file contributor
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