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270 lines (217 loc) · 13.2 KB

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270 lines (217 loc) · 13.2 KB Business-as-Code

import { AI } from ''

export default AI({
  onUserSignup: async ({ ai, api, db, event }) => {
    const { name, email, company } = event

    // Enrich content details with lookup from external data sources
    const enrichedContact = await{ name, email, company })
    const socialProfiles = await api.peopleDataLabs.findSocialProfiles({ name, email, company })
    const githubProfile = socialProfiles.github ? await api.github.profile({ name, email, company, profile: socialProfiles.github }) : undefined

    // Using the enriched contact details, do deep research on the company and personal background
    const companyProfile = await ai.researchCompany({ company })
    const personalProfile = await ai.researchPersonalBackground({ name, email, enrichedContact })
    const socialActivity = await ai.researchSocialActivity({ name, email, enrichedContact, socialProfiles })
    const githubActivity = githubProfile ? await ai.summarizeGithubActivity({ name, email, enrichedContact, githubProfile }) : undefined

    // Schedule a highly personalized sequence of emails to optimize onboarding and activation
    const emailSequence = await ai.personalizeEmailSequence({ name, email, company, personalProfile, socialActivity, companyProfile, githubActivity })
    await api.scheduleEmails({ emailSequence })

    // Summarize everything, save to the database, and post to Slack
    const details = { enrichedContact, socialProfiles, githubProfile, companyProfile, personalProfile, socialActivity, githubActivity, emailSequence }
    const summary = await ai.summarizeContent({ length: '3 sentences', name, email, company, ...details })
    const { url } = await db.users.create({ name, email, company, summary, ...details })
    await api.slack.postMessage({ channel: '#signups', content: { name, email, company, summary, url } })
}) Inputs to Structured Outputs

import { AI } from ''

const ai = AI({
  leanCanvas: {
    productName: 'name of the product or service',
    problem: ['top 3 problems the product solves'],
    solution: ['top 3 solutions the product offers'],
    uniqueValueProposition: 'clear message that states the benefit of your product',
    unfairAdvantage: 'something that cannot be easily copied or bought',
    customerSegments: ['list of target customer segments'],
    keyMetrics: ['list of key numbers that tell you how your business is doing'],
    channels: ['path to customers'],
    costStructure: ['list of operational costs'],
    revenueStreams: ['list of revenue sources'],
    recommendations: ['list of recommendations based on the analysis'],

const brand = await ai.storyBrand({
  idea: 'Agentic Workflow Platform',
  icp: 'Alpha Devs & Empowered CTOs',

// {
//   storyBrand: {
//     hero: {
//       identity: 'Alpha developers and empowered CTOs',
//       desire: 'To effortlessly build and deploy intelligent, scalable, agent-driven workflows'
//     },
//     problem: {
//       external: 'Current workflow solutions lack flexibility, autonomy, and speed.',
//       internal: 'Frustrated by bottlenecks, repetitive tasks, and slow development cycles.',
//       philosophical: 'Innovative developers and CTOs deserve tools designed to empower, not constrain.',
//       villain: 'Leaky abstractions',
//     },
//     guide: {
//       empathy: 'We understand the frustration of wasting your team\'s talent on mundane tasks.',
//       authority: ' is trusted by leading tech teams to automate millions of critical tasks with ease.'
//     },
//     plan: {
//       step1: 'Design workflows easily with our intuitive, agentic builder.',
//       step2: 'Deploy seamlessly to a scalable, fully-managed runtime.',
//       step3: 'Monitor and optimize workflows with powerful observability tools.'
//     },
//     callToAction: {
//       direct: 'Request Early Access',
//       transitional: 'Learn More'
//     },
//     failure: [
//       'Remain stuck with inefficient manual workflows.',
//       'Lose competitive advantage due to slower innovation.',
//       'Experience burnout and high turnover of talented developers.'
//     ],
//     success: [
//       'Launch sophisticated workflows quickly, without friction.',
//       'Free your team from repetitive tasks to focus on high-value innovation.',
//       'Accelerate your organization\'s growth and competitive edge.'
//     ],
//     transformation: {
//       from: 'Overwhelmed by rigid, manual processes slowing innovation',
//       to: 'Empowered to rapidly deploy autonomous workflows that drive innovation and growth'
//     },
//     oneLiner: ' empowers alpha devs and visionary CTOs to effortlessly create autonomous workflows, unlocking next-level productivity and innovation.'
//   }
// } Clickable Developer Experiences

By visiting in a browser with a JSON Plugin, you can explore all available APIs and their capabilities without having to deal with API documentation, curl commands, or

  "api": {
    "name": "",
    "description": "Economically valuable work delivered through simple APIs",
    "home": "",
    "login": "",
    "signup": "",
    "admin": "",
    "docs": "",
    "repo": "",
    "with": "",
    "from": ""
  "ai": {
    "Functions - Typesafe Results without Complexity": "",
    "Workflows - Reliably Execute Business Processes": "",
    "Agents - Deploy & Manage Autonomous Digital Workers": ""
  "things": {
    "Nouns - People, Places, Things, and Ideas": "",
    "Verbs - The Actions Performed to and by Nouns": ""
  "events": {
    "Triggers - Initiate workflows based on events": "",
    "Searches - Query and retrieve data": "",
    "Actions - Perform tasks within workflows": ""
  "core": {
    "LLM - Intelligent AI Gateway": "",
    "Evals - Evaluate Functions, Workflows, and Agents": "",
    "Analytics - Economically Validate Workflows": "",
    "Experiments - Economically Validate Workflows": "",
    "Database - AI Native Data Access (Search + CRUD)": "",
    "Integrations - Connect External APIs and Systems": ""
  "user": {
    "email": "[email protected]"
} Autonomous Digital Workers provides a powerful framework for creating, deploying, and managing autonomous digital workers that can perform complex tasks with minimal human intervention. These agents can handle routine operations, make decisions based on predefined criteria, and adapt to changing conditions.

import { Agent } from ''

// Create a customer support agent
const customerSupportAgent = Agent({
  name: 'Amy',
  role: 'Customer Support Agent',
  job: 'Handles customer inquiries and resolves common issues',
  url: '',
  integrations: ['chat', 'slack', 'email', 'zendesk', 'shopify'],
  triggers: ['onTicketCreated', 'onMessageReceived'],
  searches: ['FAQs', 'Tickets', 'Orders', 'Products', 'Customers'],
  actions: ['sendMessage', 'updateOrder', 'refundOrder', 'resolveTicket', 'escalateTicket'],
  kpis: ['ticketResponseTime', 'ticketResolutionTime', 'ticketEscalationRate', 'customerSatisfaction'],
}) Connect Your Apps provides a seamless way to connect your AI applications with external systems, APIs, and services. It enables you to extend your workflows with powerful integrations that enhance functionality and automate processes across your entire tech stack. Start Business Processes provides a powerful framework for initiating workflows based on various events. It enables you to create event-driven architectures that respond automatically to changes in your business environment, ensuring timely execution of critical processes. Provide Context & Understanding provides a unified interface for powerful data retrieval across various sources. It enables you to find relevant information quickly and efficiently, providing the context needed for intelligent decision-making in your AI applications. Impact the External World provides a powerful framework for defining and executing operations that interact with external systems. It enables you to create reusable, composable actions that can be triggered from your workflows to create real-world impact. Entities in Your Business provides a powerful framework for defining and managing the entities that make up your business domain. It enables you to create a structured representation of your business objects and their relationships. Represent Potential Actions provides a powerful framework for defining and managing the actions that can be performed within your business domain. It enables you to create a structured representation of operations that connect entities and drive business processes. Physical and Virtual Objects provides a powerful framework for modeling and managing both physical and virtual objects in your business domain. It enables you to create a structured representation of the tangible and intangible assets that your business interacts with. AI-enriched Data

import { DB } from ''

const db = DB({
  posts: {
    title: 'text',
    content: 'richtext',
    status: 'Draft | Published | Archived', // Select field with predefined options
    contentType: 'Text | Markdown | Code | Object | Schema', // Another select field example
    tags: 'tags[]',
    author: 'authors',
  tags: {
    name: 'text',
    posts: '<-posts.tags', // Join field to posts (reverse relation)
  authors: {
    name: 'text',
    email: 'email',
    role: 'Admin | Editor | Writer', // Select field with predefined options
    posts: '<', // Join field to posts (reverse relation)
}) Track Business Events provides a powerful framework for tracking, analyzing, and responding to business events across your organization. It enables you to create a comprehensive event-driven architecture that captures valuable data about user actions, system operations, and business processes.

import { track } from ''

// Track a user signup event
await track('UserSignup', {
  email: '[email protected]',
  referrer: 'google',
  campaign: 'spring_promo',
  device: 'mobile',
  browser: 'chrome',
}) Iterate & Improve provides a powerful framework for testing hypotheses, measuring outcomes, and iteratively improving your AI applications. It enables you to run controlled experiments to validate ideas, optimize performance, and make data-driven decisions. Compare Models provides a powerful framework for evaluating and comparing AI models across various dimensions. It enables you to make informed decisions about which models to use for different tasks based on objective performance metrics. Measure & Improve provides a powerful framework for evaluating the performance and quality of your AI applications. It enables you to systematically assess model outputs, function results, and workflow outcomes to ensure they meet your business requirements. Debug & Understand provides a powerful framework for capturing, visualizing, and analyzing the execution of your AI applications. It enables you to understand how your functions, workflows, and agents operate, making it easier to debug issues and optimize performance. Intelligent AI Gateway provides a powerful gateway for routing AI requests to the optimal language models based on capabilities, cost, and performance requirements. It enables you to leverage the best AI models for each specific task without being locked into a single provider. Measure Business Impact provides a powerful framework for measuring and analyzing the business impact of your AI applications. It enables you to track key metrics, visualize performance trends, and make data-driven decisions about your AI investments. Economically Valuable Work provides a powerful framework for creating and deploying advanced AI systems that can perform economically valuable work across various domains. It enables you to build sophisticated AI applications that deliver measurable business value through automation, optimization, and intelligent decision-making.