- Implemented support for the new Opensubtitles API.
- Fix play/pause with mpv 0.37.
- Fix loading playlists with extension m3u8.
- Fix video jitter/shudder when clicking on timeline bar.
- Other small fixes.
- Fix the issue with YouTube playback limited to 720p.
- Update mpv and mplayer.
- New option in preferences to keep the playback speed for all videos.
- Fix the AppImage package.
- Other bug fixes.
- Better statistic info in the OSD (Shift + I).
- Bug fixes regarding MPRIS2.
- MPRIS2 is compiled (but disabled by default) on Windows and Mac OS.
- Fix the option to send video to another screen.
- Fix the option to choose the audio output device.
- Add support for the AV1 codec.
- Fix colors in HDR videos.
- SMPlayer is now also compatible with Mac OS 10.14 (Mojave).
- Fix: the playlist is shuffled after adding files if the shuffle button is on.
- Possibility to choose whether to show the media title or the filename in the playlist.
- The support for YouTube has been improved by using yt-dlp. Fixes buffering and playback of age-restricted videos.
- Possibility to use yt-dlp instead of youtube-dl.
- Option to use the AV1 codec with YouTube videos.
- Improve support for FreeBSD.
- Auto-rotate videos that have been recorded in vertical mode or upside down.
- Some bug fixes.
- Ignore KDE's "single click". It causes unexpected behaviour.
- It's easier to update the YouTube code.
- The installer is digitally signed.
- SMPlayer is now also available in the Windows Store.
- Fix playback with mplayer when screenshots are enabled.
- Support for the obsolete mplayer2.
- A version for Mac OS is now available.
- Better automatic resizing of the main window, trying to prevent black borders.
- Fix loading YouTube playlists.
- Add an option to rotate the video by 180 degrees.
- Playlist: try to prevent a one second delay when using play prev/next.
- Add some predefined speeds (0.25x, 0.5x, 1.25x, 1.5x, 1.75x).
- Fix audio CD playback with mpv.
- Fix audio channels.
- The installation of YouTube support is now optional.
- Using Qt 5.15.2.
- Disable power saving on Wayland during playback.
- Remove KDE from the categories in the *.desktop files.
- SMPlayer is now also available as appimage, flatpak and snap.
- Initial support for Wayland.
- Some fixes and improvements in the playlist.
- Show cache info in the OSD (Shift + I).
- The internal YouTube code has been removed. Now SMPlayer uses an external application to get the video URLs.
- The shuffle option in the playlist does shuffle the items of the playlist.
- Fix for YouTube.
- Possibility to enter the opensubtitles.org credentials, in order to prevent a login error.
- Now it's possible to search for shortcuts in Preferences -> Keyboard.
- Support for mpv 0.32.