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A blog all about Datastax Astra Service |
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Astra is a Database As A Service provided by Datastax which allows creation of cassandra clusters on GCP, AWS, and Azure. To get started with a new Astra Account click here and you can have a free 5GB Astra cluster online in less than a few minutes. You can complete your entire developer experience in the UI but for the sake of this blog I am going to show you how to use APIs and connect applications and services to Astra without using the UI as a main interface. If you are looking for other examples of applications that integrate with Astra go here. Documentation for astra can be found here. API Reference Documentation is found here.
Astra's main goal is to meet developers were they are comfortable (with many APIs), to make developing apps against cassandra easier (faster TTM), and remove all the pain of creating and administrating cassandra clusters. I personal like to use Astra because it provides a single layer to create cassandra clusters in all three major cloud providers (GCP,AZURE,AWS). You can check out more about my experience with multiple cloud instance of astra here.
Astra Perseverance
tags: astra, sizing, tool
Astra Compatible Frameworks
tags: astra, framework, java, python, php
Astra Service Broker Tile
tags: astra, service, broker, devops, automation, kubernetes, helm
Astra Multi Cloud
tags: astra, database,service, multi, cloud, aws, azure, gcp
How To: NoSqlBench with Astra
tags: nosqlbench, astra, benchmarking, testing
Astra Postman
tags: devops api, data api, get auth, create database, create keyspaces, add tables
Astra DSBulk
tags: load, unload, cassandra, dse, astra
Astra Ansible
tags:ansible, create database, keyspaces, tables, data
Astra NiFi
tags: Astra Native Cassandra Processors, Astra with InvokeHttp, Astra DistributedMapCache
{% include astra_help.html %}