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Yorick Kuijs edited this page May 23, 2019 · 13 revisions



Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
IsSingleInstance Key String Unique key for the resource. Set to 'Yes' to apply configuration. Yes
DLTCMaxConnectionsToServer Write UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed Logon Token Cache
DLTCRequestTimeout Write UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed Logon Token Cache
DLTCChannelOpenTimeOut Write UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed Logon Token Cache
DVSCMaxConnectionsToServer Write UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed View State Cache
DVSCRequestTimeout Write UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed View State Cache
DVSCChannelOpenTimeOut Write UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed View State Cache
DACMaxConnectionsToServer Write UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed Access Cache
DACRequestTimeout Write UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed Access Cache
DACChannelOpenTimeOut Write UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed Access Cache
DAFMaxConnectionsToServer Write UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed Activity Feed Cache
DAFRequestTimeout Write UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed Activity Feed Cache
DAFChannelOpenTimeOut Write UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed Activity Feed Cache
DAFCMaxConnectionsToServer Write UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed Activity Feed LMT Cache
DAFCRequestTimeout Write UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed Activity Feed LMT Cache
DAFCChannelOpenTimeOut Write UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed Activity Feed LMT Cache
DBCMaxConnectionsToServer Write UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed Bouncer Cache
DBCRequestTimeout Write UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed Bouncer Cache
DBCChannelOpenTimeOut Write UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed Bouncer Cache
DDCMaxConnectionsToServer Write UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed Default Cache
DDCRequestTimeout Write UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed Default Cache
DDCChannelOpenTimeOut Write UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed Default Cache
DSCMaxConnectionsToServer Write UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed Search Cache
DSCRequestTimeout Write UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed Search Cache
DSCChannelOpenTimeOut Write UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed Search Cache
DTCMaxConnectionsToServer Write UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed Security Trimming Cache
DTCRequestTimeout Write UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed Security Trimming Cache
DTCChannelOpenTimeOut Write UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed Security Trimming Cache
DSTACMaxConnectionsToServer Write UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed Server to Application Server Cache
DSTACRequestTimeout Write UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed Server to Application Server Cache
DSTACChannelOpenTimeOut Write UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed Server to Application Server Cache
DFLTCMaxConnectionsToServer Write UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed File Lock Throttler Cache (SP2016 and above)
DFLTCRequestTimeout Write UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed File Lock Throttler Cache (SP2016 and above)
DFLTCChannelOpenTimeOut Write UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed File Lock Throttler Cache (SP2016 and above)
DSWUCMaxConnectionsToServer Write UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed Shared With User Cache (SP2016 and above)
DSWUCRequestTimeout Write UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed Shared With User Cache (SP2016 and above)
DSWUCChannelOpenTimeOut Write UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed Shared With User Cache (SP2016 and above)
DUGCMaxConnectionsToServer Write UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed Unified Groups Cache (SP2016 and above)
DUGCRequestTimeout Write UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed Unified Groups Cache (SP2016 and above)
DUGCChannelOpenTimeOut Write UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed Unified Groups Cache (SP2016 and above)
DRTCMaxConnectionsToServer Write UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed Resource Tally Cache (SP2016 and above)
DRTCRequestTimeout Write UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed Resource Tally Cache (SP2016 and above)
DRTCChannelOpenTimeOut Write UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed Resource Tally Cache (SP2016 and above)
DHSCMaxConnectionsToServer Write UInt32 Maximum number of connections to the Distributed Health Score Cache (SP2016 and above)
DHSCRequestTimeout Write UInt32 Request timeout for the Distributed Health Score Cache (SP2016 and above)
DHSCChannelOpenTimeOut Write UInt32 Channel timeout for the Distributed Health Score Cache (SP2016 and above)
InstallAccount Write PSCredential POWERSHELL 4 ONLY: The account to run this resource as, use PsDscRunAsCredential if using PowerShell 5


Type: Distributed Requires CredSSP: No

This resource is responsible for configuring the distributed cache client settings. It only accepts Ensure='Present' as a key. The resource can configure the following cache components: DistributedLogonTokenCache, DistributedViewStateCache, DistributedAccessCache, DistributedActivityFeedCache, DistributedActivityFeedLMTCache, DistributedBouncerCache, DistributedDefaultCache, DistributedSearchCache, DistributedSecurityTrimmingCache, and DistributedServerToAppServerAccessTokenCache.


Example 1

This example configures the distributed cache client settings.

    Configuration Example
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        Import-DscResource -ModuleName SharePointDsc

        node localhost {
            SPDistributedCacheClientSettings Settings
                IsSingleInstance            = "Yes"
                DLTCMaxConnectionsToServer  = 3
                DLTCRequestTimeout          = 1000
                DLTCChannelOpenTimeOut      = 1000
                DVSCMaxConnectionsToServer  = 3
                DVSCRequestTimeout          = 1000
                DVSCChannelOpenTimeOut      = 1000
                DACMaxConnectionsToServer   = 3
                DACRequestTimeout           = 1000
                DACChannelOpenTimeOut       = 1000
                DAFMaxConnectionsToServer   = 3
                DAFRequestTimeout           = 1000
                DAFChannelOpenTimeOut       = 1000
                DAFCMaxConnectionsToServer  = 3
                DAFCRequestTimeout          = 1000
                DAFCChannelOpenTimeOut      = 1000
                DBCMaxConnectionsToServer   = 3
                DBCRequestTimeout           = 1000
                DBCChannelOpenTimeOut       = 1000
                DDCMaxConnectionsToServer   = 3
                DDCRequestTimeout           = 1000
                DDCChannelOpenTimeOut       = 1000
                DSCMaxConnectionsToServer   = 3
                DSCRequestTimeout           = 1000
                DSCChannelOpenTimeOut       = 1000
                DTCMaxConnectionsToServer   = 3
                DTCRequestTimeout           = 1000
                DTCChannelOpenTimeOut       = 1000
                DSTACMaxConnectionsToServer = 3
                DSTACRequestTimeout         = 1000
                DSTACChannelOpenTimeOut     = 1000
                PsDscRunAscredential        = $SetupAccount

Example 2

This example configures the distributed cache client settings in SharePoint 2016.

    Configuration Example
            [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        Import-DscResource -ModuleName SharePointDsc

        node localhost {
            SPDistributedCacheClientSettings Settings
                IsSingleInstance            = "Yes"
                DLTCMaxConnectionsToServer  = 3
                DLTCRequestTimeout          = 1000
                DLTCChannelOpenTimeOut      = 1000
                DVSCMaxConnectionsToServer  = 3
                DVSCRequestTimeout          = 1000
                DVSCChannelOpenTimeOut      = 1000
                DACMaxConnectionsToServer   = 3
                DACRequestTimeout           = 1000
                DACChannelOpenTimeOut       = 1000
                DAFMaxConnectionsToServer   = 3
                DAFRequestTimeout           = 1000
                DAFChannelOpenTimeOut       = 1000
                DAFCMaxConnectionsToServer  = 3
                DAFCRequestTimeout          = 1000
                DAFCChannelOpenTimeOut      = 1000
                DBCMaxConnectionsToServer   = 3
                DBCRequestTimeout           = 1000
                DBCChannelOpenTimeOut       = 1000
                DDCMaxConnectionsToServer   = 3
                DDCRequestTimeout           = 1000
                DDCChannelOpenTimeOut       = 1000
                DSCMaxConnectionsToServer   = 3
                DSCRequestTimeout           = 1000
                DSCChannelOpenTimeOut       = 1000
                DTCMaxConnectionsToServer   = 3
                DTCRequestTimeout           = 1000
                DTCChannelOpenTimeOut       = 1000
                DSTACMaxConnectionsToServer = 3
                DSTACRequestTimeout         = 1000
                DSTACChannelOpenTimeOut     = 1000
                DFLTCMaxConnectionsToServer = 3
                DFLTCRequestTimeout         = 1000
                DFLTCChannelOpenTimeOut     = 1000
                DSWUCMaxConnectionsToServer = 3
                DSWUCRequestTimeout         = 1000
                DSWUCChannelOpenTimeOut     = 1000
                DUGCMaxConnectionsToServer  = 3
                DUGCRequestTimeout          = 1000
                DUGCChannelOpenTimeOut      = 1000
                DRTCMaxConnectionsToServer  = 3
                DRTCRequestTimeout          = 1000
                DRTCChannelOpenTimeOut      = 1000
                DHSCMaxConnectionsToServer  = 3
                DHSCRequestTimeout          = 1000
                DHSCChannelOpenTimeOut      = 1000
                PsDscRunAscredential        = $SetupAccount
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