You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 108
Parameter | Attribute | DataType | Description | Allowed Values |
Name | Key | String | The name of the service application | |
ApplicationPool | Required | String | The name of the application pool to run the service app in | |
TrustedFileLocations | Write | MSFT_SPExcelFileLocation[] | Trusted file locations for the service app | |
CachingOfUnusedFilesEnable | Write | Boolean | Specifies that files that are no longer used by Excel Services Application can remain in the cache for later use. | |
CrossDomainAccessAllowed | Write | Boolean | Specifies that trusted workbooks and data connection files can be requested and rendered by Web Parts or pages that reside in other HTTP domains. | |
EncryptedUserConnectionRequired | Write | String | Requires that encryption is used between the end-user and the server running Excel Services Application. |
None , Connection
ExternalDataConnectionLifetime | Write | UInt32 | Specifies the maximum number of seconds that an external data connection can remain open in the connection pool. | |
FileAccessMethod | Write | String | Specifies the authentication method that Excel Services Application uses to retrieve files. |
UseImpersonation , UseFileAccessAccount
LoadBalancingScheme | Write | String | Specifies the load-balancing schema that is used by the Excel Services Application Web service application to send requests to different back-end Excel Services Application computers. |
RoundRobin , Local , WorkbookURL
MemoryCacheThreshold | Write | UInt32 | Specifies the percentage of the maximum private bytes that can be allocated to inactive objects. | |
PrivateBytesMax | Write | SInt32 | Specifies the maximum private bytes, in megabytes, that are used by Excel Services Application. | |
SessionsPerUserMax | Write | UInt32 | Specifies the maximum number of sessions allowed for a user. | |
SiteCollectionAnonymousSessionsMax | Write | UInt32 | Specifies the maximum number of anonymous sessions allowed per site collection. | |
TerminateProcessOnAccessViolation | Write | Boolean | Terminates Excel Services Application when an access violation occurs in the process. | |
ThrottleAccessViolationsPerSiteCollection | Write | UInt32 | Specifies that if a workbook causes an access violation error on Excel Services Application, all files originating from that workbook’s site collection are blocked from loading for the specified period (in seconds). | |
UnattendedAccountApplicationId | Write | String | Specifies that the application ID that is used to look up the unattended service account credentials from the secure storage service that is specified by the UnattendedAccountSecureServiceAppName parameter. | |
UnusedObjectAgeMax | Write | SInt32 | Specifies the maximum amount of time, in minutes, that objects not currently used in a session are kept in the memory cache. | |
WorkbookCache | Write | String | Specifies the local file system location of the cache that is used to store workbooks that are used by Excel Services Application. | |
WorkbookCacheSizeMax | Write | UInt32 | Specifies the maximum allowable size, in megabytes, of an individual session. | |
Ensure | Write | String | Present ensures service app exists, absent ensures it is removed |
Present , Absent
InstallAccount | Write | PSCredential | POWERSHELL 4 ONLY: The account to run this resource as, use PsDscRunAsCredential if using PowerShell 5 |
Parameter | Attribute | DataType | Description | Allowed Values |
Address | Key | String | The address of the file location | |
LocationType | Required | String | The type of the trusted file location |
SharePoint , UNC , HTTP
AbortOnRefreshOnOpenFail | Write | Boolean | Specifies that the loading of a Excel Services Application file automatically fails if an automatic data refresh operation fails when the file is opened. | |
AutomaticVolatileFunctionCacheLifetime | Write | UInt32 | Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, that a computed value for a volatile function is cached for automatic recalculations. | |
ChartAndImageSizeMax | Write | UInt32 | Specifies the maximum size, in megabytes, of a chart or image that can be opened. | |
ConcurrentDataRequestsPerSessionMax | Write | UInt32 | Specifies the maximum number of concurrent external data requests allowed in each session. | |
DefaultWorkbookCalcMode | Write | String | Specifies the calculation mode of workbooks. |
File , Manual , Auto , AutoDataTables
Description | Write | String | Specifies a friendly description for the new file location. | |
DisplayGranularExtDataErrors | Write | Boolean | Displays granular error messages for external data failures for files in this location. | |
ExternalDataAllowed | Write | String | Specifies the type of external data access allowed for workbooks. |
None , Dcl , DclandEmbedded
IncludeChildren | Write | Boolean | Indicates that subordinate URLs, directories and libraries are trusted. | |
ManualExtDataCacheLifetime | Write | UInt32 | Specifies the time, in seconds, that Excel Services Application waits before it re-issues a manual, or user-initiated, external data request. | |
NewWorkbookSessionTimeout | Write | UInt32 | Specifies the time, in seconds, that a session for a new, unsaved, workbook remains active on Excel Services Application with no user activity. | |
PeriodicExtDataCacheLifetime | Write | UInt32 | Specifies the time, in seconds, that Excel Services Application waits before it re-issues an on-open or periodic (that is, automatic) external data request. | |
RequestDurationMax | Write | UInt32 | Specifies the maximum duration, in seconds, for a single request in a session. | |
RESTExternalDataAllowed | Write | Boolean | Specifies whether requests from the Representational State Transfer (REST) Application Programming Interface (API) are permitted to refresh external data connections. | |
SessionTimeout | Write | UInt32 | Specifies the time, in seconds, that a session remains active on Excel Services Application with no user activity. | |
ShortSessionTimeout | Write | UInt32 | Specifies the time, in seconds, that a user has to make the initial interaction with a spreadsheet. | |
UdfsAllowed | Write | Boolean | Specifies that user-defined functions can be called by workbooks that are loaded from the trusted file location that is specified in Address. | |
WarnOnDataRefresh | Write | Boolean | Specifies that a warning is displayed to the user on the first refresh of data for the workbook. | |
WorkbookSizeMax | Write | UInt32 | Specifies the maximum size, in megabytes, of a workbook that can be loaded. |
Type: Distributed Requires CredSSP: No
This resource is responsible for creating Excel Services Application instances within the local SharePoint farm. The resource will provision and configure the Excel Services Service Application.
The default value for the Ensure parameter is Present. When not specifying this parameter, the service application is provisioned.
Only SharePoint 2013 is supported to deploy Excel Services service applications via DSC, as SharePoint 2016 and SharePoint 2019 have deprecated this service. See What's deprecated or removed from SharePoint Server 2016 for more info.
This example shows how to deploy Excel Services to the local SharePoint farm.
Configuration Example
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
Import-DscResource -ModuleName SharePointDsc
node localhost
SPExcelServiceApp ExcelServices
Name = "Excel Services Service Application"
ApplicationPool = "SharePoint Service Applications"
PsDscRunAsCredential = $SetupAccount
This example shows how to remove Excel Services from the local SharePoint farm. Here application pool is a required parameter, but it is not actually used when removing a service app and as such can be ignored and set to any value.
Configuration Example
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
Import-DscResource -ModuleName SharePointDsc
node localhost
SPExcelServiceApp ExcelServices
Name = "Excel Services Service Application"
ApplicationPool = "n/a"
Ensure = "Absent"
PsDscRunAsCredential = $SetupAccount
- Home
- Getting Started
- Pre-requisites
- Installing the module
- Exporting SharePoint Configuration
- Creating Configuration Files
- Pre-created Examples
- Creating an Azure development environment
- Understanding Resources & Syntax
- Remote PowerShell Authentication
- Contributing to SharePointDsc
- Other useful modules for SharePoint DSC configurations