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Brian Farnhill edited this page Jun 25, 2016 · 21 revisions


Parameter Attribute DataType Description Allowed Values
Name Key string The name of the work management service application
Ensure Write string Present to ensure the app exists, Absent to ensure it is removed Present, Absent
ApplicationPool Write String The name of the application pool this will run in
MinimumTimeBetweenEwsSyncSubscriptionSearches Write uint32 The minimum amount of time bween EWS sync subscription searches
MinimumTimeBetweenProviderRefreshes Write uint32 The minimum time between provider refreshes
MinimumTimeBetweenSearchQueries Write uint32 The minimum time between search queries
NumberOfSubscriptionSyncsPerEwsSyncRun Write uint32 The number of subscription syncronisations per EWS sync run
NumberOfUsersEwsSyncWillProcessAtOnce Write uint32 How many users will EWS calls include at once
NumberOfUsersPerEwsSyncBatch Write uint32 How many users are included in a batch for EWS
InstallAccount Write String POWERSHELL 4 ONLY: The account to run this resource as, use PsDscRunAsAccount if using PowerShell 5


This resource is used to provision and manage an instance of the Work Management Services Service Application. It will identify an instance of the work management service application through the application display name. Currently the resource will provision the app if it does not yet exist, and will change the application pool associated to the app if it does not match the configuration.


  • Parameters MinimumTimeBetweenEwsSyncSubscriptionSearches, MinimumTimeBetweenProviderRefreshes, MinimumTimeBetweenSearchQueries are in Minutes


SPWorkManagementServiceApp WorkManagementServiceApp
    Name                   = "Work Management Service Application"
    ApplicationPool        = "SharePoint web services"
    MinimumTimeBetweenEwsSyncSubscriptionSearches = 10
    PsDscRunAsCredential   = $InstallAccount
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