- why useful to know the different "moving" parts
- Parsing
- Partially complete commands
- Syntax errors
- literal values
- finding/resolving symbols - pi
- variables and assignment
- environments and global environment
- search path
- function calls
- everything is a function call
- details of function calls
- Matching arguments to parameters
- Scope within a function
- environments/call frames
- package environments
- Lazy evaluation
- pass by value ("everything" is a copy)
- return value
- last value in a { }
- applies to if()
- x = if(cond) {...} else {...}
- finding symbols in a package.
- Proactive and reactive.
- debug(), browser()
- options(error = recover),
- call stack
- sys.calls()
- sys.frames()
- sys.frame()
- try()/tryCatch()
- options(warn = {0, 1, 2})
- default values
- idioms for making functions more flexible, reusable, different entry points.
- on.exit()
- warning() and stop().
- closures and scope
- non-local assignment
- evaluation
- environment
- weights in modeling. Boosting.
- class() - how do we think of it.
- typeof() - how is it built
- str()
- names()
- length()
- dim()
- attr()
- structure(obj, attr = , attr = ...)
- Hierarchy of vector types
- NA
- subsetting - 6 types.
- Key concept
- same function name/verb (e.g. plot, summary), customized behavior based on type.
- extensiblity
- Inheritance
- Method lookup - S3, S4
- Inheritance mechanism - NextMethod(), callNextMethod()