Variables will be defined using lower camel case. All names should be unique (within reason) and descriptive but not overly verbose and wordy.
int someVariable = 4;
Struct definitions will be defined using upper camel case.
typedef struct {
int latitude;
int longitude;
} GpsPoint;
Functions will be defined using lower camel case.
void sayHelloTo(char* name) {
printf("Hello %s", name);
Curly braces should open on the same line as a function or struct followed by a space. Curly braces should close one line after the body of the struct of function. See previous two examples.
Never use a conditional or loop block without curly braces
if (violateThisRule)
Use single line when you wish to make brief commentary. Use multiline comments for commenting out sections of code or leaving detailed explanations. Write code so that comments should be unnecessary for you to understand it, but comment it so that someone reading it for the first time can understand it as well.
In general, write comments in full sentences with correct grammar, unless very short clarification is all that is required.
Commenting out a section of code is acceptable in the short term for exploration, but any code that is still commented out during a pull request to master should be commented with the reason it has not been deleted.
// Feelings a person can have
bool personHungry, personTired, personBored;
Code to set feeling states... ... ...
// The person is only in a bad mood if they are bored or if they are either
// hungry or tired
bool personInGoodMood = (!personHungry || !personTired) && !personBored;
/* Commented out because we might need to do this in the future
int suspectVar;
Use four spaces instead of tabs. Most text editors have this configuration option. If a single statement needs to be broken into multiple lines, indent the second line either four spaces or start the line at the equivalent "stepping off point" from the previous line.
int myFirstFunctionReturnValue = veryLongFunctionName(firstArgumentThatHasALongName,
int mySecondFunctionReturnValue = veryLongFunctionName(
Blank lines within code sections or block entry/termination are acceptable if they improve readability.
Each line should only extend to 80 characters in width and must not exceed 120. When a single statement needs to be broken into multiple lines, do so in a way that is convenient and improves readability.