This changelog only includes the most important changes in recent updates. For a full log of all changes, please refer to git.
- Added support for uv installation
- Added the ability to set the spin axis orientation to the gravitational harmonics (J2/J4) effect
- Added Gas Damping Forces effect
- Set path to local REBOUND installation when installing in editable mode
- Fixed clang error, remove commented code
- Removed wheels. Installation is now from source to avoid conflicts with different versions of REBOUND
- Fixed gr_full errors when Simulation was not in center of mass frame. Convergence was also improved and effect is now a bit faster.
- Improvements to unit tests (now regenerate simulationarchives each time)
- Fixed inneredge effect
- Updated documentation and github actions
- Added support for REBOUND version 4.0.0
- Build REBOUNDx wheels for PyPI
- Updated unit tests
- Added Lense-Thirring effect
- Added Gas dynamical friction (Generozov & Perets 2022)
- Added tides_spin for dynamical tides and spin evolution (Lu et al. 2023)