Releases: dtcenter/METexpress
METexpress v5.1.0
METexpress consists of a collection of apps deployed together under a single interface. The current production version is 5.1.0
Production images can be found at
Release Notes:
Production build date: 2023.04.11
All apps v5.1.0
- Updated all apps to Meteor v2.11.0.
- Major scorecard infrastructure improvements.
- Major couchbase infrastructure improvements.
- Major kubernetes infrastructure improvements.
- Major styling/linting infrastructure improvements.
- Major upgrades to MATScommon dependencies.
- METexpress scalar apps now have scatter plots.
- METexpress now has the same data quality control abilities as MATS.
- CurveParams are now stored in MATScommon and can be removed from settings files.
- Fixed bug where contourDiff plots with identical component curves would fail to return a graph.
METexpress v5.0.0
METexpress consists of a collection of apps deployed together under a single interface. The current production version is 5.0.0
Production images can be found at
Release Notes:
Production build date: 2022.12.06
All apps v5.0.0
- Updated all apps to Meteor v2.8.1.
- METexpress now uses METcalcpy for its statistical calculations.
- METexpress can now produce overall, mean, and median statistics, as opposed to just mean.
- METexpress selectors are now divided into sections for readability.
- Single-object statistics added to MET Objects app.
- Fixed bug where curve-dates would not be updated in edited curve.
- Fixed bug where date selector would sometimes open when model selection changed.
- Fixed bug where N statistic in surface and upper air apps was scaled incorrectly.
METexpress v4.6.0
METexpress consists of a collection of apps deployed together under a single interface. The current production version is 4.6.0
Production images can be found at
Release Notes:
Production build date: 2022.11.02
All apps v4.6.0
- Updated all apps to Meteor v2.8.0.
- Updated icons to use fontawesome 6.
- Updated date widget.
- Better grouped buttons on graph page.
- Added labels to black reference lines on plots.
METexpress v4.5.3
METexpress consists of a collection of apps deployed together under a single interface. The current production version is 4.5.3
Production images can be found at
Release Notes:
Production build date: 2022.10.07
All apps v4.5.3
- Updated Meteor and NPM packages across METexpress.
- Fixed bug where text entered into any text input field would get assigned as the curve label.
- Fixed bug where sometimes hidden parameters would become visible in added curves.
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METexpress 4.5.2
METexpress consists of a collection of apps deployed together under a single interface. The current production version is 4.5.2
Production images can be found at
Release Notes:
Production build date: 2022.09.12
All apps v4.5.2
- Improved selector readability.
- Updated selector help modals.
- Fixed bug where date selector would open when date help icon was clicked.
- Updated METexpress to use latest MATScommon version.
METexpress 4.5.0
METexpress consists of a collection of apps deployed together under a single interface. The current production version is 4.5.0
Production images can be found at
Release Notes:
Production build date: 2022.08.03
Integration build date: 2022.08.03
All apps v4.5.0
- Updated all apps to Meteor v2.7.3
- Updated app styles to be more readable
- Updated plot type selector to be a drop-down menu
- Fixed error that results from incomplete data loading
METexpress 4.4.3
METexpress consists of a collection of apps deployed together under a single interface. The current production version is 4.4.3
Production images can be found at
Release Notes:
Production build date: 2022.06.06
Integration build date: 2022.06.06
All apps v4.4.3
- Fixed bug in METexpress causing the apps to declare “No Data For All Curves” if any of the curves has no data.
- METexpress date ranges are now determined by variable selection instead of just database/model.
METexpress 4.4.2
METexpress consists of a collection of apps deployed together under a single interface. The current production version is 4.4.2
Production images can be found at
Release Notes:
Production build date: 2022.05.12
Integration build date: 2022.05.12
All apps v4.4.2
- Updated all apps to Meteor v2.7.1.
- Fixed bug in MET Objects causing the error message "Error from verification query: Error choosing statistic: ..." to occasionally appear.
- Added ability for apps to display an alert message defined in settings.
METexpress 4.4.0
METexpress consists of a collection of apps deployed together under a single interface. The current production version is 4.4.0
Production images can be found at
Release Notes:
Production build date: 2022.03.22
Integration build date: 2022.03.22
All apps v4.4.0
- Updated all apps to Meteor v2.6.1.
- Added MET Objects METexpress app (This app verifies MODE statistics).
- Made UTC Cycle Init Hour selector a multi-select for dieoff and dailyModelCycle plots.
- Fixed bug causing upper air station plots to plot pressure rather than the requested variable.
- Fixed METexpress bug causing erroneous values on contour plots.