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Solutions to Lab - Kubesec:
What is the kubesec plugin used for?
all of these
To install kubesec plugin, Run
wget https://github.com/controlplaneio/kubesec/releases/download/v2.11.0/kubesec_linux_amd64.tar.gz tar -xvf kubesec_linux_amd64.tar.gz mv kubesec /usr/bin/
format is NOT supported by kubesec. -
We have a pod definition template
on the controlplane host. Scan this template using kubesec and save the report in/root/kubesec_report.json
file on the controlplane host itself.# Run the command: kubesec scan /root/node.yaml > /root/kubesec_report.json Look into the report generated by the previous scan and identify the final status of the scan. Look for the message in the report. Answer: FAILED
kubesec scan failed for pod definition file
. Fix the issues in this file as per the suggestions in the scan report and make sure that the final kubesec scan status is passed.In node.yaml, template change privileged: true to privileged: false under securityContext.