Note: This model is in beta.
Represents a discount being returned that applies to one or more return line items in an order. Fixed-amount, order-scoped discounts are distributed across all non-zero return line item totals. The amount distributed to each return line item is relative to that item’s contribution to the order subtotal.
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
uid | String | Unique ID that identifies the return discount only within this order. | [optional] |
source_discount_uid | String | `uid` of the Discount from the Order which contains the original application of this discount. | [optional] |
catalog_object_id | String | The catalog object id referencing `CatalogDiscount`. | [optional] |
name | String | The discount's name. | [optional] |
type | String | The type of the discount. If it is created by API, it would be either `FIXED_PERCENTAGE` or `FIXED_AMOUNT`. Discounts that don't reference a catalog object ID must have a type of `FIXED_PERCENTAGE` or `FIXED_AMOUNT`. See OrderLineItemDiscountType for possible values | [optional] |
percentage | String | The percentage of the tax, as a string representation of a decimal number. A value of `7.25` corresponds to a percentage of 7.25%. `percentage` is not set for amount-based discounts. | [optional] |
amount_money | Money | The total declared monetary amount of the discount. `amount_money` is not set for percentage-based discounts. | [optional] |
applied_money | Money | The amount of discount actually applied to this line item. When an amount-based discount is at order-level, this value is different from `amount_money` because the discount is distributed across the line items. | [optional] |
scope | String | Indicates the level at which the `OrderReturnDiscount` applies. For `ORDER` scoped discounts, the server will generate references in `applied_discounts` on all `OrderReturnLineItem`s. For `LINE_ITEM` scoped discounts, the discount will only apply to `OrderReturnLineItem`s with references in their `applied_discounts` field. See OrderLineItemDiscountScope for possible values | [optional] |