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A nice project with a nice description



Set the base url of the app


NODE_ENV=development|production APPLICATION_PORT={nodejs port} APPLICATION_DOMAIN={public url of app} PROTOCOL={http|https} MASTER_API_KEY={master api key} ENCRYPTION_KEY={32 char alphanumeric string for encryption password} ENCRYPTION_INITIALIZATION_VECTOR={16 char alphanumeric string for encryption inititalization vector} REPOSITORY_DOMAIN={repository frontend app domain} ELASTICSEARCH_HOST={elastic host domainurl} ELASTICSEARCH_PORT= ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX={elastic index name} ELASTICSEARCH_INDEX_TYPE={ex. data} DISCOVERY_APPLICATION_DOMAIN={url of digital collections@du} MAIL_SERVER={mail server donain} MAIL_SERVER_PORT={mail server port} DATABASE_HOST={db host domain} DATABASE_USER={db username} DATABASE_PWD={db pwd} DATABASE_NAME={db name}