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Folders and files

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This folder holds all user data and is normally deployed alongside the executable commands.

Sound Effects: /sounds/effects

Sound effects need to be pre-process (see /tools) and are then put here, individual files directly in /sounds/effects are treated as single sound files that always play in the same way. If multiple files are bundled into subdirectories, each subdirectory is a single sound with multiple variations, that play either randomly or sequentially.

Playlists: /music/playlists

Each folder in /music/playlists is treated as an individual playlist of music files. As resampling is not implemented for music yet, they all need have the same format and sampling rate.

Light Effects: /lights/effects

A light effect is a *.tengo script1 that exports a function to render the next effect frame, using the following signature:

export {
    info: {
        maxtick: 256,
        frametime: 0.05 // [s]
    frame: func(leds, tick){
        for group in leds {
            for idx:=0; idx<group.count; idx++ {
                group.brightness[idx] = ...
                group.color[idx] = ...
        return leds

Most included light effects are the usual suspects, like Larson scanners, rainbows and color fades2.

Config Variables

  • maxtick: Maximum number to which the animation frame index will be counted before resetting to 0, if 0, it won't ever be increased (e.g. for constant effects like solid colors)
  • frametime: Seconds for which each frame will be visible, if 0 it is shown until the next frame is requested manually (e.g. for constant effects like solid colors)

Input Variables

  • tick: Index number of the current animation frame, if this reaches maxtick, it resets to 0
  • leds: An object defining the LED setup on which the effect will be ultimately displayed, they are split into named groups with a fixed LED count to each of which a brightness (where 0.0 is black, 2.0 is white and 1.0 is the nominal color) and a color index (that maps to an internal rainbow color palette with 256 colors) is attached
leds = {
    "front-left": {
        count: 5,
        brightness: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
        color: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]



  1. The Tengo Language

  2. Tweaking4All - LEDStrip effects for NeoPixel and FastLED