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BOSS Quick Reference


   \     |     /     Use the NumPad for movement.
    7    8    9      Press "." beforehand to move into
 -- 4    @    6 --   the respective direction until you
    1    2    3      find something of interest.
   /     |     \     5 rests the character for one turn.

5   Wait for one turn
<   Go upstairs
>   Go downstairs

Advanced Movement

NumPad .    Move until you find something of interest
R           Rest a specific number of turns 1)


C           Character info (including bank balance)
e           Display a list of equipment being used


i           Display a list of objects being carried
q           Quaff a potion
E           Eat some food
F           Fill a lantern with batteries
M           Mix two potions together 2)

Special Skills and (Techno-) Magic

b           Browse a book
m           Do a skill from a con-artist or tech manual 3)
p           Read a prayer from a prayer book 3)
r           Run a floppy disk in a computer
u           Use a weird device


B           Bash something or someone 4)
o           Open a door, chest or lock
c           Close a door
l           Look in a direction
s           Search general area once (including chests)
S           Toggle search mode 5)
D           Disarm a trap
T           tunnel through rock
j           Jam a door with an iron spike


NumPad      towards any creature to fight melee
B           Bash something or someone 4)
a           aim a ray gun
f           Fire a gun
h           Hurl an item
b           go berserk (Wrestler only)


Ctrl-y      Quit the game without saving
Ctrl-z      Save your character and quit the game
Ctrl-m      Repeat last message
/           Identify the class of an ASCII character 6)
L           Display map co-ordinates
Q           Toggle the "question-more" feature
P           Print map or character sheet to a file
v           Display current version of the game
?           Display a list of commands
Ctrl-r      Redraw the screen
$           Shell out of a game (Unix only?)


h           BOSS help library
/           Help during character generation
Ctrl-p      Enter wizard mode


This quick reference is meant to be an addition to the commands you will often see in the menus anyway, and the list of annotations is rather arbitrarily composed. For extensive information, you can open the FAQ and Help files using right click, "Open with" and then selecting any text editor or word processor (Notepad, Word, Writer etc.).

If you see a command like ^Z in-game, it is the same as Ctrl-z

  1. Press any key to interrupt long resting.
  2. Results of mixing potions depend on intelligence
  3. You need to know the skill/prayer and have the corresponding book in your inventory
  4. Results of bashing depend on strength, weight and dexterity
  5. While in search mode, after performing any action your character will automatically spend a turn searching
  6. The look command gives more accurate information than /