diff --git a/front/lib/api/assistant/pubsub.ts b/front/lib/api/assistant/pubsub.ts
index 62ff0487799d..54b392133a59 100644
--- a/front/lib/api/assistant/pubsub.ts
+++ b/front/lib/api/assistant/pubsub.ts
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import { GenerationTokensEvent } from "@app/lib/api/assistant/generation";
 import { Authenticator } from "@app/lib/auth";
 import { APIErrorWithStatusCode } from "@app/lib/error";
 import { AgentMessage, Message } from "@app/lib/models";
+import { rateLimiter } from "@app/lib/rate_limiter";
 import { redisClient } from "@app/lib/redis";
 import { Err, Ok, Result } from "@app/lib/result";
 import { wakeLock } from "@app/lib/wake_lock";
@@ -47,6 +48,32 @@ export async function postUserMessageWithPubSub(
     context: UserMessageContext;
 ): Promise<Result<UserMessageType, PubSubError>> {
+  let maxPerTimeframe: number | undefined = undefined;
+  let timeframeSeconds: number | undefined = undefined;
+  let rateLimitKey: string | undefined = "";
+  if (auth.user()?.id) {
+    maxPerTimeframe = 3;
+    timeframeSeconds = 120;
+    rateLimitKey = `postUserMessageUser:${auth.user()?.id}`;
+  } else {
+    maxPerTimeframe = 20;
+    timeframeSeconds = 120;
+    rateLimitKey = `postUserMessageWorkspace:${auth.workspace()?.id}`;
+  }
+  if (
+    (await rateLimiter(rateLimitKey, maxPerTimeframe, timeframeSeconds)) === 0
+  ) {
+    return new Err({
+      status_code: 429,
+      api_error: {
+        type: "rate_limit_error",
+        message: `You have reached the maximum number of ${maxPerTimeframe} messages per ${Math.ceil(
+          timeframeSeconds / 60
+        )} minutes of your account. Please try again later.`,
+      },
+    });
+  }
   const postMessageEvents = postUserMessage(auth, {
diff --git a/front/lib/error.ts b/front/lib/error.ts
index 6f834a3ae6b0..ac90e1cfed38 100644
--- a/front/lib/error.ts
+++ b/front/lib/error.ts
@@ -50,7 +50,8 @@ export type APIErrorType =
   | "subscription_error"
   | "stripe_webhook_error"
   | "stripe_api_error"
-  | "stripe_invalid_product_id_error";
+  | "stripe_invalid_product_id_error"
+  | "rate_limit_error";
 export type APIError = {
   type: APIErrorType;
diff --git a/front/lib/rate_limiter.ts b/front/lib/rate_limiter.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..aaabe1a01866
--- /dev/null
+++ b/front/lib/rate_limiter.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+import StatsD from "hot-shots";
+import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid";
+import { redisClient } from "@app/lib/redis";
+import logger from "@app/logger/logger";
+export const statsDClient = new StatsD();
+export async function rateLimiter(
+  key: string,
+  maxPerTimeframe: number,
+  timeframeSeconds: number
+): Promise<number> {
+  let redis: undefined | Awaited<ReturnType<typeof redisClient>> = undefined;
+  const now = new Date();
+  const tags = [`rate_limiter:${key}`];
+  try {
+    redis = await redisClient();
+    const redisKey = `rate_limiter:${key}`;
+    const zcountRes = await redis.zCount(
+      redisKey,
+      new Date().getTime() - timeframeSeconds * 1000,
+      "+inf"
+    );
+    const remaining = maxPerTimeframe - zcountRes;
+    if (remaining > 0) {
+      await redis.zAdd(redisKey, {
+        score: new Date().getTime(),
+        value: uuidv4(),
+      });
+      await redis.expire(redisKey, timeframeSeconds * 2);
+    } else {
+      statsDClient.increment("ratelimiter.exceeded.count", 1, tags);
+    }
+    const totalTimeMs = new Date().getTime() - now.getTime();
+    statsDClient.distribution(
+      "ratelimiter.latency.distribution",
+      totalTimeMs,
+      tags
+    );
+    return remaining;
+  } catch (e) {
+    statsDClient.increment("ratelimiter.error.count", 1, tags);
+    logger.error(
+      {
+        key,
+        maxPerTimeframe,
+        timeframeSeconds,
+        error: e,
+      },
+      `RateLimiter error`
+    );
+    // in case of error on our side, we allow the request.
+    return 1;
+  } finally {
+    if (redis) {
+      await redis.quit();
+    }
+  }