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sfloess edited this page Mar 10, 2013 · 15 revisions

This page describes how to use the Ant scripts for Solenopsis once you have configured it.


ant [-Dproperty=value]* -f [path to solenopsis ant dir]/solenopsis.xml [target]+

You may supply:

  • Zero or more properties.
  • One or more targets.

Any properties defined above will override properties that Solenopsis computes for defaults. Typically, the one that you may override more often is solenopsis.env.DEPENDENT. Specifically, doing this allows you to operate upon many different environments.

Note: Solenopsis will always compute default properties that are "good enough" in most circumstances.


Target Required Properties Optional Properties Description
git-destructive-push solenopsis.env.MASTER solenopsis.env.DEPENDENT Push git related changes from the master environment to the dependent environment (any files removed from git are removed from the dependent env). If is set to any value, the git status is computed via shelling into the operating system.
git-push solenopsis.env.MASTER solenopsis.env.DEPENDENT Push git related changes from the master environment to the dependent environment. If is set to any value, the git status is computed via shelling into the operating system.
file-push solenopsis.env.MASTER solenopsis.env.DEPENDENT sf.files2push="dir1/file1 dir2/file2" Manually push files from the master env. Note the space separated list
file-destructive-push solenopsis.env.MASTER solenopsis.env.DEPENDENT sf.files2remove="dir1/file1 dir2/file2" sf.files2push="dir3/file3 dir4/file4" Manually remove/push files from the master env. Note the space separated list.
push solenopsis.env.MASTER solenopsis.env.DEPENDENT Additive deployment from master environment to dependent environmen.t
destructive-push solenopsis.env.MASTER solenopsis.env.DEPENDENT Destructive deployment from master environment to dependent environment. Whatever is no longer in the master env will be removed from the dependent. For example, classes, fields, etc.
report-diff solenopsis.env.MASTER solenopsis.env.DEPENDENT Describe the differences between master environment and dependent environment.
pull-full solenopsis.env.DEPENDENT Grab complete contents (folder based) from a dependent environment. For any members in package.xml that do not support the asterisk based notation, will examine the master area for files and denote those there. These include dashboard, documents, email and reports.
pull-full-to-master solenopsis.env.MASTER solenopsis.env.DEPENDENT Grab complete contents (folder based) from a dependent environment to the master. For any members in package.xml that do not support the asterisk based notation, will examine the master area for files and denote those there. These include dashboard, documents, email and reports.
pull solenopsis.env.DEPENDENT Grab contents (non folder based) from a dependent environment. This uses the asterisk notation on members that support it in package.xml.
pull-to-master solenopsis.env.MASTER solenopsis.env.DEPENDENT Grab contents (non folder based) from a dependent environment to the master. This uses the asterisk notation on members that support it in package.xml.
run-tests solenopsis.env.MASTER solenopsis.env.DEPENDENT sf.testClasses="TestClass1 TestClass2" sf.logType="some log type" Run tests in a dependent environment without deploying first. If sf.testClasses is denoted, will run only those tests, otherwise run all tests. sf.logType can be one of: None, Db, Profiling, Callout or Detail.
generate-package solenopsis.env.MASTER solenopsis.env.DEPENDENT sf.packageDir Generate a complete (folder based) package.xml based off the master environment. If no sf.packageDir is specified, defaults to current working dir.
generate-objects-csv solenopsis.env.MASTER solenopsis.env.DEPENDENT Generate CSVs for objects from the master environment
generate-objects-diff-csv solenopsis.env.MASTER solenopsis.env.DEPENDENT Generate a CSV of diffs for objects between the master and dependent environment.
describe-metadata solenopsis.env.MASTER solenopsis.env.DEPENDENT Describe all metadata.
list-metadata solenopsis.env.MASTER solenopsis.env.DEPENDENT sf.metadataTypes="Type of metadata" List metadata. sf.metadataTypes should be a space delimited list of the types to list. For example ApexClass.
envs solenopsis.env.MASTER solenopsis.env.DEPENDENT Display the envs that solenopsis knows about.
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