All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- add alert component (7bfa287)
- add auth context (f0be392)
- add basic seo attr (0887247)
- add dashboard stat cards (f4f44b9)
- add form components (13f87ab)
- add form select component (9b0da7b)
- add header (c2ecfc9)
- add sample test and doc link (680e4ec)
- add skeleton element (f68e016)
- add skeleton for data fetching table (fc46270)
- add table component (eb33cbe)
- apply df theme (0d8a799)
- basic dashboard layout and placeholder (e765488)
- fun core components (da38adc)
- replace dashboard placeholder with eg UI (71ce363)
- scaffold page form (2d51684)
- setup basic components (4bedc46)
- setup data fetching pattern (bdbcba3)
- setup sample api (c206b93)