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Asterisk Call Center Integration Library

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The main purpose of the library is to connect to an Asterisk PBX server and provide filtered event streams that allow the receiver to track the state of call queues and agents. Additional features include originating calls and managing the status of agents against specific queues (log on/off, pause). Events are received over a lamina channel, which makes aleph a particularly convenient library to use when implementing a server on top of this library, but there is no restriction to it.

Feature highlights

  • connects to Asterisk via the Asterisk Manager Interface (AMI);

  • provides a stream of agent-related events through an easily accessible API;

  • raw AMI events are collated and digested into a model that minimizes client-side processing;

  • can issue commands to Asterisk, such as originating a call or managing agent status;

  • robust to AMI connection failures: automatically reconnects and restores the tracked state;

  • uses a single AMI connection to cater for all registered agents;

  • keeps the traffic over the AMI connection to a bare minimum:

    • sets up an appropriate event filter on the Asterisk side;
    • keeps track of all state through the event stream (doesn't poll the AMI);
    • tailors AMI actions to generate the necessary minimum of traffic when regenerating state.

API overview

ami-connect: connect to the asterisk server.

ami-disconnect: disconnect from the server and release all resources.

While connected, these functions are supported:

event-channel: returns a lamina channel over which the client receives the event stream.

originate-call: place a phone call from a source.

redirect-call: redirect an existing call to another destination.

park-and-announce: park an existing call and announce (in voice) the extension where it can be retrieved.

queue-action: manage agent status with respect to a particular agent queue.

Short intro to terminology

Asterisk provides specific support for the management of phone calls received by an incoming call center. The calls accumulate in a named agent queue (or just queue) and there can be more such queues. In a simple scenario a single queue will map to a single public phone number. A queue count is the current number of incoming calls waiting in a queue.

An agent can be registered as a member of a queue, which means calls will be forwarded to his phone. The agent is represented in the system by his/her phone number. The term extension is often used to mean either the phone device or the phone number of that device.

PBXIS defines an event channel over which events are received by the client. The event channel is configured with two lists used to filter the events delivered to it:

  1. a list of agents;
  2. a list of queues.

Depending on its type, an event may have the properties :agent and/or :queue, called the scope properties. An event channel will receive an event iff the value of each scope property of the event exists in the corresponding list in the configuration of the event channel. So an event with neither property is received by all channels and an event with both properties is received only by channels that include both the agent and the queue in their configuration.

Reported Events

Events, enqueued into the event channel, are maps where the key :type determines event type, the keys :agent and :queue determine its scope, and the rest are event details. List of events by type:

agentName: the full name of an agent, as reported via queue-action :add or other means. Scope: :agent. Detail: :name, agent name.

extensionStatus: status of a phone device. Scope: :agent. Detail: :status, one of:

  • not_inuse: the phone is idle and ready to accept calls;

  • ringing: the phone is on-hook and ringing;

  • inuse: the phone is off the hook;

  • ringinuse: the phone is in use and there's another incoming call waiting;

  • busy: the phone is in use and there's another incoming call, which will receive a busy signal;

  • onhold: there is an active call that was put on hold;

  • unavailable: the phone is not available to Asterisk (it's off-line).

queueMemberStatus: status of the agent with respect to a particular agent queue. Scope: :agent, :queue. Detail: :status, one of:

  • loggedoff: the agent is not logged on to this queue;

  • paused: the agent is logged on, but paused, meaning calls will not be forwarded to him;

  • not_inuse, inuse, busy, ringing, ringinuse, onhold, unavailable: the agent is logged on and this is the detailed status. The meanings are the same as in extensionStatus, but the status is updated only after logging in and when there is a new call in the queue.

  • unknown.

phoneNumber: phone number of the remote party currently patched through to agent's extension. Scope: :agent. Detail: :number, the phone number (string) or nil if there is no call; :name, the party name (if available); :queue, the queue name (if available).

queueCount: number of callers waiting in an agent queue. Scope: :queue. Detail: :count, the queue count.

agentComplete: contains summary info on the just-completed agent call. Scope: :agent. Detail: :uniqueId, unique ID of the call (string); :talkTime, talk time in seconds (integer); :holdTime, hold time in seconds (integer); :recording, path to the recorded call on the server (string).

originateFailed: when an originate-call request failed. Scope: none. Detail: :actionId, ID of the request, as previously returned by originate-call.


The software is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.