is a clean and easy-to-use banner rolling control for your app's homepage
screen which need to show some rolling banners.
Why do I write this ? Well...actually, I've been searching for a scrolling banner view at github for a while, but no luck since some of the code I found are too old to support Autolayout
, others don't scrolls infinitely... none of them satisfied me. Then, I decided to do it myself, to write a good one...and here you go...
- Infinite scrolling, which mean it shows banners/images in a infinite loop.
- Can scroll automatically, the intervals and the direction of the scrolling is configurable.
- Supports both local and remote images.
- Placeholder image is customizable, Remote image fetch method is also cusomizable.
- Paused on dragging and resumes on releasing when it's auto rolling.
- Have a memory cache which makes it lightning fast and less memory consuming.
- Block based event handling.
- 100% compatible with
. - Writen with clean code and very easy to use.
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Objective-C, which automates and simplifies the process of using 3rd-party libraries like DYMRollingBanner
in your projects. Simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'DYMRollingBanner', '~> 2.1.7'
Just copy these source files into you project:
Unlike many other banner scrolling controls, DYMRollingBanner
doesn't use UIScrollingView
or its subclasses UITableview
or UICollectionView
, instead it take full advantage of UIPageViewController
which is natually an INFINITE
To integrate DYMRollingBanner
, firstly, you need to copy the assciated files into your project, and import DYMRollingBannerVC.h
#import <DYMRollingBanner/DYMRollingBannerVC.h>
Secondly, Create a DYMRollingBannerVC
DYMRollingBannerVC *_rollingBannerVC;
_rollingBannerVC = [DYMRollingBannerVC new];
Then, add the DYMRollingBannerVC
object as the child view controller of the host controller.
[self addChildViewController:_rollingBannerVC];
[self.view addSubview:_rollingBannerVC.view];
// The code below lays out the _rollingBannerVC's view using Masonry
[_rollingBannerVC.view mas_makeConstraints:^(MASConstraintMaker *make) {
[_rollingBannerVC didMoveToParentViewController:self];
Finally, feed it with you image URLs or UIImage
// setup the rolling images
_rollingBannerVC.rollingImages = @[@"http://easyread.ph.126.net/G8GtEi-zmPQzvS5w7ScxmQ==/7806606224489671909.jpg"
, @"https://c2.staticflickr.com/4/3345/5832660048_55f8b0935b.jpg"
, @"http://epaper.syd.com.cn/sywb/res/1/20080108/42241199752656275.jpg"
, [UIImage imageNamed:@"001"]
, [UIImage imageNamed:@"002"]
// Start auto rolling (optional, default does not auto roll)
[_rollingBannerVC startRolling];
And you are good to go!
You can also do many customizations to it (they are optional):
// Set the inteval for rolling (optional, the default value is 1 sec)
_rollingBannerVC.rollingInterval = 5;
// Set the placeholder image (optional, the default place holder is nil)
_rollingBannerVC.placeHolderImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"default"];
// Define the way how you load the image from a remote url
[_rollingBannerVC setRemoteImageLoadingBlock:^(UIImageView *imageView, NSString *imageUrlStr, UIImage *placeHolderImage) {
[imageView sd_cancelCurrentImageLoad];
[imageView sd_setImageWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:imageUrlStr] placeholderImage:placeHolderImage options:SDWebImageProgressiveDownload];
// Add a handler when a tap event occours (optional, default do noting)
[_rollingBannerVC addBannerTapHandler:^(NSInteger whichIndex) {
NSLog(@"banner tapped, index = %@", @(whichIndex));
// If 'YES', the auto scrolling will scroll to the right
vc.isAutoScrollingBackward = YES;
is the view controller which rolls a group of banner images.DYMBannerVC
is the host view controller of each image, it's internally used by theDYMRollingBannerVC
is the memory pool from which you dequeue a banner from, it's internally used by theDYMRollingBannerVC
If you have feature requests or bug reports, feel free to help out by sending pull requests, or contact [email protected].
is brought to you by Yiming Dong.
Follow me or ask questions or just say Hi! at Twitter : @dymx101