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Web3-Onboard UI Components


A collection of composable functions for implementing web3-onboard in to a Vue project; compatible both with Vue 2 + composition-api and Vue 3

Install Modules

NPM npm i @web3-onboard/vue @web3-onboard/injected-wallets ethers

Yarn yarn add @web3-onboard/vue @web3-onboard/injected-wallets ethers


import { init } from '@web3-onboard/vue'
import injectedModule from '@web3-onboard/injected-wallets'

const injected = injectedModule()

// Only one RPC endpoint required per chain
const rpcAPIKey = '<INFURA_KEY>' || '<ALCHEMY_KEY>'
const rpcUrl =
  `${rpcAPIKey}` ||

const web3Onboard = init({
  wallets: [injected],
  chains: [
      id: '0x1',
      token: 'ETH',
      label: 'Ethereum Mainnet',
      id: '0x2105',
      token: 'ETH',
      label: 'Base',
      rpcUrl: ''

const { wallets, connectWallet, disconnectConnectedWallet, connectedWallet } = useOnboard()

if (connectedWallet) {
  // if using ethers v6 this is:
  // ethersProvider = new ethers.BrowserProvider(wallet.provider, 'any')
  const ethersProvider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(
  // ..... do stuff with the provider



The init function initializes web3-onboard and makes it available to the useOnboard() composable. For references check out the initialization docs for @web3-onboard/core

Example usage

import { init } from '@web3-onboard/vue'
import injectedModule from '@web3-onboard/injected-wallets'

const injected = injectedModule()
const infuraKey = '<INFURA_KEY>'
const rpcUrl = `${infuraKey}`

const web3Onboard = init({
  wallets: [injected],
  chains: [
      id: '0x1',
      token: 'ETH',
      label: 'Ethereum Mainnet',


useOnboard must be used after the init function has been called - it will return an object that can be destructured to obtain the following reactive variables and functions:

Example usage

import { useOnboard } from '@web3-onboard/vue'

// Use the composable
const onboard = useOnboard()

// Or destructure it
const { wallets, connectWallet, disconnectConnectedWallet, connectedWallet } = useOnboard()

// do stuff


Function to open the onboard modal and connect to a wallet provider. For reference check out the connecting a wallet for @web3-onboard/core

Example usage

<script setup>
import { useOnboard } from '@web3-onboard/vue'

const { connectWallet: connect } = useOnboard()

  <button type="button" @click="connect">Connect to a Wallet</button>


Computed property that contains the current chain to which connectedWallet is connected

Example usage

<script setup>
import { useOnboard } from '@web3-onboard/vue'

const { connectedChain } = useOnboard()

  <span>Connected Chain: {{ }}</span>


Computed property that contains the latest connected wallet

Example usage

<script setup>
import { useOnboard } from '@web3-onboard/vue'

const { connectedWallet } = useOnboard()

  <span>Connected Wallet: {{ connectedWallet.label }}</span>


Readonly boolean ref that tracks the state of the wallet connection status

Example usage

<script setup>
import { useOnboard } from '@web3-onboard/vue'

const { connectingWallet } = useOnboard()

  <span v-if="connectingWallet">Connecting...</span>


Function to disconnect a specific wallet

Example usage

<script setup>
import { useOnboard } from '@web3-onboard/vue'

const { disconnectWallet } = useOnboard()
const disconnect = async () => disconnectWallet('MetaMask')

  <button type="button" @click="disconnect">Disconnect MetaMask</button>


Function to disconnect the connectedWallet

Example usage

<script setup>
import { useOnboard } from '@web3-onboard/vue'

const { disconnectConnectedWallet } = useOnboard()

  <button type="button" @click="disconnectConnectedWallet">
    Disconnect connectedWallet


Function that returns the current chain a wallet is connected to

Example usage

<script setup>
import { useOnboard } from '@web3-onboard/vue'

const { getChain } = useOnboard()

  <span>MetaMask is connected to: {{ getChain('MetaMask') }}</span>


Function to set the chain of a wallet

Example usage

<script setup>
import { useOnboard } from '@web3-onboard/vue'

const { setChain } = useOnboard()
const set = () => setChain({ wallet: 'MetaMask', chainId: '0x1' })

  <button type="button" @click="set">Set MetaMask chain to mainnet</button>


Readonly boolean ref that tracks the status of setting the chain

Example usage

<script setup>
import { useOnboard } from '@web3-onboard/vue'

const { settingChain } = useOnboard()

  <span v-if="settingChain">Setting chain...</span>


Readonly ref that contains every wallet that has been connected

Example usage

<script setup>
import { useOnboard } from '@web3-onboard/vue'

const { wallets } = useOnboard()

  <div v-for="wallet in wallets">
    <span>Label: {{ wallet.label }}</span>


Readonly ref that contains every wallet that user connected to in the past, useful to reconnect wallets automatically after a reload

Example usage

<script setup>
import { useOnboard } from '@web3-onboard/vue'

const { alreadyConnectedWallets } = useOnboard()

    <span>{{ alreadyConnectedWallets }}</span>


Readonly ref that contains the last time that the user connected a wallet in milliseconds

Example usage

<script setup>
import { useOnboard } from '@web3-onboard/vue'

const { lastConnectedTimestamp } = useOnboard()

  <span>Your last connection timestamp was: {{ lastConnectedTimestamp }}</span>