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Nobel Laureate Publications

"The Nobel Prize is a set of annual international awards bestowed in several categories by Swedish and Norwegian institutions in recognition of academic, cultural, or scientific advances." - Wikipedia.

This week's h/t goes to Georgios Karamanis for sharing the Nobel data links on GitHub! The data covers metadata for all of the Nobel prize winners. An additional dataset looks at all the publications from each winner. From the data aggregators for the publications dataset, "We constructed the publication records for almost all Nobel laureates in physics, chemistry, and physiology or medicine from 1900 to 2016 (545 out of 590, 92.4%). We first collected information manually from Nobel Prize official websites, their university websites, and Wikipedia. We then match it algorithmically with big data, tracing publication records from the MAG database."

The raw data for all the papers come from the Harvard dataverse as seen here and the information about the winners themselves comes from Kaggle as seen here.

If you want to dive deeper on some network analysis - Wagner et al, 2015 examined Do Nobel Laureates Create Prize-Winning Networks? and shared some data.

There is also a nice run through with tidyverse codepic on Kaggle here.

Get the data!

nobel_winners <- readr::read_csv("")
nobel_winner_all_pubs <- readr::read_csv("")

Data Dictionary


variable class description
prize_year double Year that Nobel Prize was awarded
category character Field of study/category
prize character Prize Name
motivation character Motivation of the award
prize_share character Share eg 1 of 1, 1 of 2, 1 of 4, etc
laureate_id double ID assigned to each winner
laureate_type character Individual or organization
full_name character name of the winner
birth_date double birth date of winner
birth_city character birth city/state of winner
birth_country character birth country of winner
gender character binary gender of the winner
organization_name character organization name
organization_city character organization city
organization_country character organization country
death_date double death date of the winner (if dead)
death_city character death city (if dead)
death_country character death country (if dead)


variable class description
laureate_id double Assigned Laureate ID (doesn't match other dataset)
laureate_name character Abbreviated name
prize_year double Prize year
title character Title of paper
pub_year double Publication year
paper_id double Paper ID
doi character DOI of paper
journal character Journal paper published in
affiliation character Affiliation of the author
is_prize_winning_paper character Is associated as the Nobel winning paper (yes or no)
category character Category/field of study

Cleaning script


# read in the specific category/field datasets and the overall winners

nobel_winners <- read_csv(here("2019", "2019-05-14", "archive.csv")) %>% 
  janitor::clean_names() %>% 
  rename("prize_year" = year,
         "gender" = sex)

chem_pubs <- read_csv(here("2019", "2019-05-14", "Chemistry publication record.csv")) %>% 
  janitor::clean_names() %>% 
  mutate(category = "chemistry")

med_pubs <- read_csv(here("2019", "2019-05-14", "Medicine publication record.csv")) %>% 
  janitor::clean_names() %>% 
  mutate(category = "medicine")

physics_pubs <- read_csv(here("2019", "2019-05-14", "Physics publication record.csv")) %>% 
  janitor::clean_names() %>% 
  mutate(category = "physics")

all_pubs <- bind_rows(chem_pubs, med_pubs, physics_pubs)

all_pubs %>% 
  write_csv(here("2019", "2019-05-14", "nobel_winner_all_pubs.csv"))

nobel_winners %>% 
  write_csv(here("2019", "2019-05-14", "nobel_winners.csv"))