I am Zakaria. My friends sometimes call me Zak. Jump to contact.
I am a CS graduate with an interest in information security, digital privacy, and cryptography.
I currently work in cyber security.
I write code for fun.
I try to read in my spare time.
List of online places I am:
I code recreationally in a variety of programming languages. I have worked with a lot of Python, PHP, C#, Java, and JavaScript in the past. Nowadays I tend to write a lot of Go, C, and I also enjoy writing shell scripts.
I host most of my code on GitHub, and a few projects on my personal git server git.zakaria.org.
A select list of my software endevours can be found on the projects page.
You can contact me via email at contact [at} zakaria.org
. I don't use PGP.
Hosting of this server is provided by Vultr.
The site is a static one; running on OpenBSD, httpd and relayd. HTML content is generated from Markdown. Source for the custom site generation program can be found here, and the site's content is managed on git here.
A hidden service mirror of this site can be accessed through Tor here: http://64wv2uqwjacqer7z5d6ooqgrvjwlioizmo7hgmxm7zxerbvgnoqhafid.onion.
The site's design is inspired by many other personal sites, too many to remember. Inspiration has also been taken from any number of sites on Dead Simple Sites.
Font is Inter. CSS is hand-written by yours truly.