Name | Type | Description | Notes |
pki_ezsigntemplatesigner_id | int | The unique ID of the Ezsigntemplatesigner | |
fki_ezsigntemplate_id | int | The unique ID of the Ezsigntemplate | |
fki_user_id | int | The unique ID of the User | [optional] |
fki_usergroup_id | int | The unique ID of the Usergroup | [optional] |
fki_ezdoctemplatedocument_id | int | The unique ID of the Ezdoctemplatedocument | [optional] |
b_ezsigntemplatesigner_receivecopy | int | If this flag is true. The signatory will receive a copy of every signed Ezsigndocument even if it ain't required to sign the document. | [optional] |
e_ezsigntemplatesigner_mapping | field_e_ezsigntemplatesigner_mapping_t * | [optional] | |
s_ezsigntemplatesigner_description | char * | The description of the Ezsigntemplatesigner | |
s_user_name | char * | The description of the User in the language of the requester | [optional] |
s_usergroup_name_x | char * | The Name of the Usergroup in the language of the requester | [optional] |