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Reading this document will help you understand:

  • Basic structure of the faker_x package
  • How to add a single new value generator to existing resources. for example adding cat_image value generator to resource image whether you want to add it globally for all existing locales or just to a specific locale like en_us.
  • How to localize global value generators.
  • How to add support for a new locale that doesn't exist for example en_uk.

(TLDR) But First Let's See a Quick Example:

Let's say we want to add a new fake value generator to our FakerX class called pet_name that generates random pet names . this is going to be done in 3 steps

  • Define a static String key in DataKeys class called pet_name
  • Define a new datasource in the animal.dart resource file
const pet_name = StringDataSource(
  locale: Locales.en_us,
  dataKey: DataKeys.pet_name,
  values: [
  • run ./ script. this script will create required code, tests & docs and will format, analyze code and run tests at the end.

Now there will be a new getter method that generates fake pet names in our FakerX class.

final myPetName = FakerX.defaultInstance.animal.petName;

Understanding Package Structure

faker_x contains a lib/src/locales directory; this is where changes need to be added. in lib/src/locales you will find different locales like en_us, fa_ir etc including a global.

in each locale directory there is structure like below. a datasources directory that contains a dart file for each resource like job.dart in each of these resource files there are one or several DataSource variables. these datasources are fake value generators. they will generate fake values for that resource.

├── en_us
    ├── datasources
    │   ├── address.dart
    │   ├── animal.dart
    │   ├── automotive.dart
    │   ├── color.dart
    │   ├── job.dart
    │   ├── lorem.dart
    │   ├── person.dart
    │   ├── phone.dart
    │   └── vehicle.dart
    └── en_us.dart

For example below you can see the code in en/datasources/phone.dart resource file with all the datasources in it. faker_x library uses phone_number and international_phone_number DataSources to generate those fake values for resource phone and locale en_us.

import 'package:faker_x/src/base/base.dart';

final phone_number = StringDataSource(
  dataKey: DataKeys.phone_number,
  locale: Locales.en_us,
  values: [],
  formats: [

final international_phone_number = StringDataSource(
  dataKey: DataKeys.international_phone_number,
  locale: Locales.en_us,
  values: [],
  formats: [

when we run code generation scripts result in our generated FakerX class will be seen like below example:

final phoneNumber =;
final international =;

Explaining DataSources

a DataSource is basically a fake value provider. it either provides a fake value through a list of hardcoded values or a builder method (or a list of Formats in case of StringDataSource).

There are 2 kinds of DataSources that we have StringDataSource, TypeDataSource each DataSource must contain a dataKey defined in DataKeys class and a locale defined in Locales class.

Each DataSource can use either a list of values or a builder method to provide fake values.


StringDataSource can be used to generate string values like names, urls and so forth. Below there are multiple examples of how StringDataSource can be used to generate fake string values.

  • Using StringDataSource to generate string values from a list of string
const color_name = StringDataSource(
  locale: Locales.en_us,
  dataKey: DataKeys.color_name,
  values: [
  • Using StringDataSource to generate fake string values using builder method
final avatar_uri = StringDataSource.withBuilder(
  dataKey: DataKeys.avatar_uri,
  locale: Locales.en_us,
  builder: (_, __) =>

NOTE: multiple types can be returned from StringDataSource which are String, Format, StringOrFormat

If the builder function needs to accept arguments by the user, the Below example suits that purpose.

class ImageArgs {
  final int width;
  final int height;
  final List<String> keywords;

    @nonNullable required this.width,
    @nonNullable required this.height,
    @nonNullable required this.keywords,

final image = StringDataSource<ImageArgs>.withBuilder(
  dataKey: DataKeys.image,
  locale: Locales.en_us,
  builder: (ImageArgs args, FakerXLocale locale) {
    return _imageUrl(args.width, args.height, args.keywords);

first an ImageArgs class is defined then we define our datasource class as StringDataSource<ImageArgs> and then in our builder method parameter we define arguments as (ImageArgs args, FakerXLocale locale) {...}.

NOTE: when defining an Args class like ImageArgs above

  • Make sure to add the arg type as the DataSource arg type eg: define data source like this StringDataSource<ImageArg> instead of just StringDataSource. if you forget to do this, you will have runtime errors, possibly shown when generated tests for this added data source will run.

  • make sure to define constructor arguments as named arguments.

  • If the argument is required make sure to add @nonNullable annotation on that argument. (this is because dart:mirror api does not support null safety)

  • Using StringDataSource to generate fake values using formats. alternatively you can use formats to generate fake values

// In formats all # characters are converted into random int and all ? characters are converted into random letters and returned for
// example below format can be used to generate fake values like : 1AL3456

const license_plate = StringDataSource(
  dataKey: DataKeys.license_plate,
  locale: Locales.en_us,
  values: [],
  formats: [
    // Alabama
    Format("#??####"), // 1AL3456
    Format("##??###"), // 32OL456
    // Alaska
    Format("### ???"), // 120 ALO
    // American Samoa
    Format("####"), // 9536
    // Arizona

Also with Formats we can use string interpolation to get a random value from another DataSource that generates string values. Here is an example of full_name DataSource. we just need to put the dataKey of that DataSource inside {{}} like {{first_name}}. make sure its not hardcoded meaning instead of using {{first_name}} you use this {{${DataKeys.first_name}}}

const full_name = StringDataSource(
  dataKey: DataKeys.full_name,
  locale: Locales.en_us,
  formats: [
    Format('{{${DataKeys.first_name_female}}} {{${DataKeys.last_name}}}', chance: 10),
    Format('{{${DataKeys.first_name_male}}} {{${DataKeys.last_name}}}', chance: 1),
  values: [],

In formats we can define chance occurrences for that format. to specify what are the chances we get a fake value from that format object as opposed to others in the same list. For example, in the above example, getting a fake value of full_name generated using the first format is 10 times more than the second format.


With TypeDataSources we can define a datasource that returns a value of the Type that we have defined for it

final geo_location = TypeDataSource<GeoLocation, dynamic>.withBuilder(
  dataKey: DataKeys.geo_location,
  locale: Locales.en_us,
  builder: (_, __) => GeoLocation(
    -90 + randomDouble() * 90 * 2,
    -180 + randomDouble() * 180 * 2,

define the return type in lib/src/base/types.dart

class GeoLocation {
  final double latitude;
  final double longitude;

  GeoLocation(this.latitude, this.longitude);

  String toString() => '$latitude - $longitude';
  • In defining our datasource above TypeDataSource<GeoLocation, dynamic> we have set the value type to GeoLocation and builder method's argument type to dynamic since we don't require an argument from the user in our builder method.
  • type GeoLocation must be defined in lib/src/base/value_types.dart

Alternatively we can use a list of values

final product = TypeDataSource<Product, dynamic>(
  dataKey: DataKeys.geo_location,
  locale: Locales.en_us,
  values: [

Add a new DataSource

Let's say we want to add a new DataSource to generate cat images. we need to add it to the relevant resource. in this case we are going to add a new cat_image datasource to the image resource, so in our generated FakerX class we can have a getter method that generates cat images like below

final newCatImage = FakerX.defaultInstance.image.catImage;

Now that we want to add the Datasource we should decide whether we want to add it as a global datasource or only for a specific locale. if we add it as a global DataSource it will be available for all generated locales. all global DataSources are marked green in Resources and Localizations in docs.

For example DataSource ipv4 for resource internet is defined globally. That means resource internet has a getter method ipv4, for all locales.

final i1 = FakerX.localized.fa_ir.internet.ipv4;
final i2 = FakerX.localized.en_us.internet.ipv4;
final i3 =;

but if we define it only for a specific locale the generator getter method will only appear for that locale. For example, getter method neighborhood for resource address is only available for en_us locale.

Let's add cat_image datasource globally

first we define a new datakey called cat_image in DataKeys class in lib/src/base/keys.dart

NOTE: Make sure the data key you use for the datasources are not plural. for example use cat_image instead of cat_images for datakey value

class DataKeys{
    // rest of the keys ...
    static const cat_image = 'cat_image';

Then we add the cat_image datasource the resource file in global directory in lib/src/locales/global/datasources/image.dart

final cat_image = StringDataSource.withBuilder(
  dataKey: DataKeys.cat_image,
  locale: Locales.en_us,
  builder: (_, __) => '${randomInt(550)}.jpg',

If we want to add it only to a specific locale like en_us we add the datasource code above in lib/src/locales/en_us/datasources/image.dart

Now all we need to do is run the command bash script This script will generate code, tests, example & runs dart format, analyze & test commands. So run command.

$ bash NOTE: read the console logs it might tell you to run it again.

Add a new locale

Let's say we want to add a new locale that does not exist in our library and so that we can generate fake values localized for that locale. let's try adding en_uk locale

  • First we need to run a script to create empty resource files and generate basic classes required. run below script

$ dart scripts/create_locale.dart en_uk

NOTE: read the console logs it might tell you to run it again.

  • New files will be generated in the project with empty datasources that are required for each locale. you need to fill out these datasources with values (and more if you wish so).
├── en_uk
    ├── datasources
    │   ├── address.dart
    │   ├── animal.dart
    │   ├── automotive.dart
    │   ├── color.dart
    │   ├── job.dart
    │   ├── lorem.dart
    │   ├── person.dart
    │   ├── phone.dart
    │   └── vehicle.dart
    └── en_uk.dart
  • then when you're done adding values you only need to run the generate command again.

$ bash NOTE: read the console logs it might tell you to run it again.

Side Notes :

NOTE: With DataSources that use builder methods to generate the value we can use builder methods of other DataSources in them. for example:

final uri = StringDataSource<UriArgs>.withBuilder(
  dataKey: DataKeys.uri,
  locale: Locales.en_us,
  builder: (UriArgs args, _) {
    return Format('${args.protocol}://{{${DataKeys.domain_name}}}');

final https_url = StringDataSource.withBuilder(
  dataKey: DataKeys.https_url,
  locale: Locales.en_us,
  builder: (_, __) {
    // here we are calling build method on uri DataSource defined above
    // to return an https url
    // ! NOTE: call build method not builder callback
    return 'https')),

NOTE: There are a lot of warning and error messages to notify you if you have done something wrong and how you should fix them. so if you ever ran the generation command and saw an error or warning in the terminal just fix the code and rerun the command.

NOTE: even though a lot of checks have been set in scripts to predict and prevent if code is going to be generated incorrectly or with syntax error messages. this might happen. if you ran a generation command and there was syntax error in generated code in lib/ directory just silence the syntax error by commenting them out or removing them so you can run generate command again without dart telling you there are syntax errors need to be fixed. doesn't matter if you change generated files manually to silence syntax errors, because they will be regenerated. then change your code if necessary and rerun the generation command.