puffin-tools is a standard Maven project. Simply run the following command from the project root directory:
./mvnw clean install -DskipTests
Run puffin-tools with path
target/puffin-tools-*-executable.jar --path path-to-puffin-file
It prints Puffin file information:
type: apache-datasketches-theta-v1
inputFields: [1]
snapshotId: 3422191382050543010
sequenceNumber: 1
offset: 4
length: 69
compressionCodec: zstd
properties: {ndv=5}
type: apache-datasketches-theta-v1
inputFields: [2]
snapshotId: 3422191382050543010
sequenceNumber: 1
offset: 73
length: 69
compressionCodec: zstd
properties: {ndv=5}
type: apache-datasketches-theta-v1
inputFields: [3]
snapshotId: 3422191382050543010
sequenceNumber: 1
offset: 142
length: 69
compressionCodec: zstd
properties: {ndv=5}
properties: {created-by=Trino version testversion}