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FastRTPS 安装

logo eProsima Fast RTPS 是 RTPS(实时发布订阅者)协议的 C++ 实现,它在不可靠的传输(如 UDP)上提供发布者-订阅者通信,由对象管理组(OMG)定义和维护社区。 RTPS 也是为数据分发服务(DDS)标准定义的有线互操作性协议,也是由 OMG 定义的。

PX4 使用 FastRTPS,使 RTPS 接口能够与板外组件(包括机器人和模拟器工具)共享 PX4 uORB 主题。 RTPS 是 DDS 的基本协议,是 OMG(对象管理组)提供实时发布/订阅中间件的标准,广泛应用于航空航天、国防和物联网应用。 它也被用作 ROS2 机器人工具包的中间件。 有关详细信息,请参阅:RTPS/ROS2 接口:PX4-FastRTPS Bridge

:::tip For Ubuntu, at time of writing, you will need to install Fast-RTPS 1.8.2 from source. :::

:::note This topic is derived from the official eProsima Fast RTPS documentation.

For more information see:


在 Github 上下载项目:



Java is required to use our built-in code generation tool - fastrtpsgen. Java JDK 8 is recommended.

Windows 7 32位和64位

Visual C++ 2013 or 2015 Redistributable Package

这会将 FastRTPS 安装在 /usr/local。 您可以使用 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<path> 定义自己的安装路径。


Windows 7 32位和64位

如果您在 Linux 上,请执行:

$ git clone
$ mkdir Fast-RTPS/build && cd Fast-RTPS/build

:::note You may need to install Gradle to build the source (e.g. this is true on vanilla Fedora Linux). A build warning will be displayed if this is the case. :::

如果你是在 Windows,选择 Visual Studio 的版本:

$ make
$ sudo make install

This will install Fast RTPS to /usr/local, with secure communications support. 然后确保 fastrtpsgen 已经在你的 PATH

如果你想编译性能测试程序,那么请在调用 CMake 时,添加参数 -DPERFORMANCE_TESTS=ON

> cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" -DTHIRDPARTY=ON -DBUILD_JAVA=ON ..
> cmake --build . --target install
> cmake --build . --target install


你可以从 官网 下载最新发布的 eProsima Fast RTPS 的可执行文件。

操作文档请参见: 二进制安装eProsima Fast RTPS 官方文档)


Fast-RTPS-Gen is the Fast RTPS IDL code generator tool. It should be installed after Fast RTPS and made sure the fastrtpsgen application is in your PATH. You can check with which fastrtpsgen.

eProsima Fast RTPS 功能配置完善,需要如下的环境变量配置生效。

git clone --recursive -b v1.0.4 ~/Fast-RTPS-Gen \
    && cd ~/Fast-RTPS-Gen \
    && ./gradlew assemble \
    && sudo ./gradlew install


:::note Although the binaries are available, we recommend to build and install the code from source, given that the binaries may not come with required components and dependencies in place. :::

You can always download the latest binary release of eProsima Fast RTPS from the company website.


Windows 7 32位和64位




  • eProsima Fast RTPS 需要以下软件包才能正常工作。
  • FASTRTPSGEN_DIR: Root folder where eProsima FastRTPSGen is installed.
  • 添加到 PATH:所选 Visual Studio 版本的 /bin 文件夹和子文件夹应追加到 PATH 中。

These variables are set automatically by checking the corresponding box during the installation process.


Extract the contents of the package. It will contain both eProsima Fast RTPS and its required package eProsima Fast CDR. You will have follow the same procedure for both packages, starting with Fast CDR.

Configure the compilation:

$ ./configure --libdir=/usr/lib

If you want to compile with debug symbols (which also enables verbose mode):

$ ./configure CXXFLAGS="-g -D__DEBUG"  --libdir=/usr/lib

After configuring the project compile and install the library:

$ sudo make install


  • FASTRTPSGEN_DIR: Root folder where eProsima FastRTPSGen is installed, usually set to /usr/local, which is the default installation directory. If the user sets a different install directory in the gradle install step, it must set it here as well.