This project was generated with Angular CLI version 15.2.0. This is an example implementation for a Google based deployment in order to give users the possibility to operate with the Device Registry API as well as with the Device Communication API. We are recommending using Identity-Aware Proxy (IAP) for your API security. Make sure to configure the OAuth consent screen. This UI will provide the possibility to:
Access the Device Registry API containing actions like:
- listing tenants
- creating a new tenant with an ID and messaging-type
- deleting a tenant
- updating a tenant with another messaging-type
- listing devices of a tenant
- creating a new device with an ID
- deleting a device
- listing credentials of a device
- creating Username/Password or JSON Web Token based credentials
- updating JSON Web Token based credentials
- deleting credentials
Access the Device Communication API containing actions like:
- listing configs
- updating a config
- listing states
- sending a command
NOTE: This UI cannot be run without further adjustments! If one wants to use this UI in other environments than on Google Cloud, adjustments have to be made to not include the GoogleService and to update the url suffixes of the services.
The development server uses the Proxy Configuration file proxy.config.json. So the target address
must be updated
with the address the Hono API is hosted. To run the dev server ng serve
must be executed. The UI can be then accessed
via http://localhost:4200/
The application will automatically reload if any of the source files is changed.
If the Device Registry API and/or the Device Communication API is hosted in GCP with Identity Aware Proxy, the Google Client ID of the enabled IAP must be provided in the environment file environment.development.ts.
If the UI, the Device Registry API and/or the Device Communication API is hosted in GCP with Identity Aware Proxy,
the Google Client ID of the enabled IAP must be provided inside an environment variable ENV_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID
This environment variable is then set as googleClientId
inside the environment
file environment.ts.
A docker image can be built by executing: docker build -t {REGISTRY}/{IMAGE_NAME}:{TAG} .
The docker image is installing all the dependencies and building the project with ng build automatically.
Also, a nginx based image is used for building the server.
Run ng test
to execute the unit tests via Karma.