The Node-RED setup requires:
- Eclipse Mosquitto
- Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker
- Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Seat Service example
- Eclipse Velocitas Seat Adjuster example
- Eclipse Kanto Container Management
- Eclipse Leda Quickstart image
The containers are integrated with deployment descriptors in the Leda Quickstart image. Please see meta-leda/meta-leda-components/recipes-sdv/eclipse-leda/kanto-containers/example for details.
You can access the graphical user interface with any web browser on the port 1880, e.g. http://leda-host:1880/. The generated dashboard is available on http://leda-host:1880/ui/.
Describing how to use the UI is out of the scope of this document. Please consult the excellent Node-RED documentation.
To make full use of the dashboard example you have to feed some data into the system. If you don't have real data, some possible sources could be: