diff --git a/JenkinsJobs/SmokeTests/smoke_test_win32.groovy b/JenkinsJobs/SmokeTests/smoke_test_win32.groovy deleted file mode 100644 index 48d27cf79b3..00000000000 --- a/JenkinsJobs/SmokeTests/smoke_test_win32.groovy +++ /dev/null @@ -1,139 +0,0 @@ -job('SmokeTests/ep-smoke-test-win32'){ - - logRotator { - numToKeep(10) - } - - parameters { - stringParam('buildId', null, 'Build Id to test (such as I20120717-0800, N20120716-0800). ') - stringParam('testsToRun', 'ui', 'This can be any ant target from https://github.com/eclipse-platform/eclipse.platform.releng.aggregator/blob/master/production/testScripts/configuration/sdk.tests/testScripts/test.xml') - } - - concurrentBuild() - - label('qa6xd-win11') - - wrappers { //adds pre/post actions - timestamps() - preBuildCleanup() - timeout { - absolute(901) - } - xvnc { - useXauthority() - } - } - - steps { - batchFile(''' -@echo off -SETLOCAL ENABLEEXTENSIONS ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION -echo start cleaning ... -IF NOT DEFINED WORKSPACE ( - echo ERROR: WORKSPACE variable was not defined. - exit /B 1 - ) ELSE ( - IF NOT EXIST "%WORKSPACE%" ( - echo ERROR: WORKSPACE was defined, but it did not exist. - echo It was defined as %WORKSPACE% - exit /B 1 - ) ELSE ( - echo WORSPACE defined as %WORKSPACE% - echo Will delete contents, for clean run. - rem Note that rmdir and rm do not return ERRORLEVEL. - rem Which is why we "do while" until count of files is zero. - rem (or, until max loops is reached). - set /a maxLoops=15 - echo maxLoops: !maxLoops! - set /a sleepTime=60000 - echo sleepTime: !sleepTime! - set /a currentLoop=0 - - set /a nFilesOrDirs=0 - for /D %%f in ("%WORKSPACE%\\*") do set /a nFilesOrDirs+=1 - for %%f in ("%WORKSPACE%\\*") do set /a nFilesOrDirs+=1 - echo currentLoop: !currentLoop! nFilesOrDirs: !nFilesOrDirs! - - :LOOP - IF !nFilesOrDirs! GTR 0 ( - rem this first for loop is for all subdirectories of workspace - FOR /D %%p IN ("%WORKSPACE%\\*") DO ( - echo removing dir: %%p - rmdir "%%p" /s /q - ) - rem this for loop is for for all files remaining, directly under workspace - FOR %%p IN ("%WORKSPACE%\\*") DO ( - echo deleting file: %%p - del "%%p" /q - ) - set /a currentLoop+=1 - IF !currentLoop! GTR !maxLoops! GOTO MAXLOOPS - set /a nFilesOrDirs=0 - for /D %%f in ("%WORKSPACE%\\*") do set /a nFilesOrDirs+=1 - for %%f in ("%WORKSPACE%\\*") do set /a nFilesOrDirs+=1 - echo currentLoop: !currentLoop! nFilesOrDirs: !nFilesOrDirs! - if !nFilesOrDirs! GTR 0 ( - rem Pause a bit before retrying, since if we could not delete, likely due to some process still running. - rem 'timeout' causes "redirection not allowed" error. See bug 482598. - rem C:\\Windows\\System32\\timeout.exe /t !sleepTime! - ping -n1 -w !sleepTime! >NUL - GOTO LOOP - ) - ) - ) - ) -echo ... normal end of cleaning section (i.e. max loops NOT reached) -exit 0 - - -:MAXLOOPS -echo Reached max loops waiting for files to be free to delete -rem note use of "hard exit" (no /B) as an attempt to get Hudson to fail. -exit 0 - ''') - batchFile(''' -rem May want to try and restrict path, as we do on cron jobs, so we -rem have more consistent conditions. -rem export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:~/bin - -rem tmp must already exist, for Java to make use of it, in subsequent steps -rem no -p (or /p) needed on Windows. It creates -mkdir tmp - -rem Note: currently this file always comes from master, no matter what branch is being built/tested. -wget -O getEBuilder.xml --no-verbose https://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/relengScripts/production/testScripts/hudsonBootstrap/getEBuilder.xml 2>&1 -set buildId -wget -O buildProperties.properties https://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops4/%buildId%/buildproperties.properties -echo off -For /F "tokens=1* delims==" %%A IN (buildProperties.properties) DO ( - IF "%%A"=="STREAM " set STREAM=%%B - IF "%%A"=="EBUILDER_HASH " set EBUILDER_HASH=%%B -) -echo on -set STREAM -set EBUILDER_HASH -set JAVA_HOME=C:\\openjdk\\jdk-11\\ -set JAVA_HOME -rem set Path="C:\\openjdk\\jdk-11\\bin;C:\\Program Files\\AdoptOpenJDK\\jdk-\\bin";C:\\ProgramData\\Boxstarter;C:\\Windows\\system32;C:\\Windows;C:\\Windows\\System32\\Wbem;C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\;C:\\Windows\\System32\\OpenSSH\\;C:\\ProgramData\\chocolatey\\bin;C:\\tools\\cygwin\\bin;C:\\Program Files\\IcedTeaWeb\\WebStart\\bin;C:\\WINDOWS\\system32;C:\\WINDOWS;C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\Wbem;C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\;C:\\WINDOWS\\System32\\OpenSSH\\;C:\\Users\\jenkins_vnc\\AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\WindowsApps; - -ant -f getEBuilder.xml -Djava.io.tmpdir=%WORKSPACE%\\tmp -Djvm="C:\\\\openjdk\\\\jdk-11\\\\bin\\\\java.exe" -DbuildId=%buildId% -DeclipseStream=%STREAM% -DEBUILDER_HASH=%EBUILDER_HASH% -DdownloadURL="http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/drops4/%buildId%" -Dargs=all -Dosgi.os=win32 -Dosgi.ws=win32 -Dosgi.arch=x86_64 -DtestSuite=%testsToRun% - - ''') - } - - publishers { - archiveJunit('**/eclipse-testing/results/xml/*.xml') { - healthScaleFactor((1.0).doubleValue()) - } - archiveArtifacts { - pattern('**/eclipse-testing/results/**, **/eclipse-testing/directorLogs/**, *.properties, *.txt') - } - extendedEmail { - triggers { - unstable { - recipientList("sravankumarl@in.ibm.com") - } - } - } - } -}